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Course Syllabus Question

Sahng-Ah YooSahng-Ah Yoo Free Trial Member
edited June 2013 in General 25 karma
When I finish the "Sufficient Assumption & Pseudo Sufficient Assumption Questions" section, have I finished the Logical Reasoning lessons? In other words, are the topics covered in the previous lessons the only topics in the syllabus that will help me in the LR section of the LSAT?


  • Lawrence WongLawrence Wong Free Trial Member
    7 karma
    There should be other LR lessons like argument part, method of reasoning, principle, etc.
  • Sahng-Ah YooSahng-Ah Yoo Free Trial Member
    25 karma
    Right, so topics like "Argument Part" and "Logic" are all related to the LR sections and are covered in lessons before the "Sufficient Assumption & Pseudo Sufficient Assumption Questions" section...?

    I'm just wondering when the lessons related to LR stop so that I can take a break with the lessons and make sure I'm getting the best score I can based on the material provided.
  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14289 karma
    A lot of lessons are relevant for LR and Games. The very last lesson set for LR is "point at issue" questions.

    "Invalid Argument Forms" are the last theoretical lesson set for LR.
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