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Classic burnout

tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
in General 2573 karma
I've been taking the infamous birds watchers, fruit stand and cd LGs at least once a day. Why? I like them! JY says in the videos that they're incredibly easy although the rest of society (not really but yeah!) thinks they're among the toughest LGs released. So last night I was doing the cd game and I could tell immediately my timing was off but I kept moving. Long story short, I eventually just put my pencil down, brushed my teeth and went to bed. I couldn't finish it. I have no clue why I couldn't figure it out??? I can't count the number of times I've done this game. I remember the answers for the most part, but not all. I didn't just circle and move on because I already knew the answer, but for some reason it was like I had never seen the game ever in my life! Or even attempted a LG for that matter! I was disgusted! I know I've been frustrated before and just decided not to do anything LSAT related for that day, but that was just unreal to me! First true experience of burnout for me. It's real folks! I've got my clean copies and I'll be back at it on my lunch break!


  • schyler.coxschyler.cox Alum Member
    edited November 2015 152 karma
    @tanes256 said:
    I've got my clean copies and I'll be back at it on my lunch break!
    You need more than 12 hours to combat burnout. Let me tell you from personal experience. Take a few days off, don't think about anything LSAT related, don't get on 7sage, don't do those games. In fact, maybe do some other similar games AFTER a few days off, more exposure is always better than doing the same 3 games 20, 30 times. Just my personal experience. Obviously repetition is good, 4-6 times, until you get it, which it seems like you do, but not at the expense of not repeating other games as well. For all you know, the games on the test could be 4 games that happen to not be similar to those!
  • tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
    2573 karma
    @schyler.cox i agree. I was doing the games kinda as warm up though. It's the only section that I actually enjoy, so it motivates me do the other sections. LG is normally the 1st section I complete during BR no matter which section it actually is. Then I can move on to BR one of the other sections. Those games were definitely a challenge for me in the beginning so they get me pumped before I start studying. Those aren't the only games I do though. I will take your advice and take today off. I think. Currently on my lunch break and I've decided not to touch the games. Thank you!
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