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Psyching myself out

alanbutler82alanbutler82 Alum Member
edited November 2015 in General 8 karma
I'm notice that doing the questions timed I tend to get them right but when I go back for the blind review I tend to get them wrong. Its like I look for reasons for my 1st answer choice to be wrong and then start to psych myself out and proceed to choose a different answer.


  • alanbutler82alanbutler82 Alum Member
    edited November 2015 8 karma
  • nye8870nye8870 Alum
    1749 karma
    In order to help you, people around here are going to want to know how many PTs you've taken and your score range.
  • Sheri123Sheri123 Alum Member
    1196 karma
    Also some might advise you to go into the BR process as clear from preconceptions as you can as to what you chose before (erasing all notes, or anything indicating what answer you chose the first time). Many times you will probably just remember what you chose before despite trying to begin with a clean copy, but it is your opportunity then to justify why you chose that answer, and decide then without timing constraints if that was the right choice and why the wrong answers were indeed wrong.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Clean copy BR or it didn't happen.
  • Sheri123Sheri123 Alum Member
    1196 karma
    How is it that Pacifico can say it in 7 words & it takes me a whole paragraph? :)
  • alanbutler82alanbutler82 Alum Member
    8 karma
    Just to clarify, I'm not speaking of the practice test. I'm still going through the video course so I'm referring to the questions at the end of each lesson.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    I still stand by my comment.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Also, if you have a good feel for the question type, don't just blow through all the problem sets. You need to save some for later when you are in your PT phase so you can shore up any weaknesses you may have.
  • schyler.coxschyler.cox Alum Member
    152 karma
    @Pacifico said:
    Clean copy BR or it didn't happen.
    RT. it helps SO MUCH, you're not fighting your ego and it lets your brain totally reset from the question. Even erasing with a great eraser, which I used to do (yes, I know it's totally crazy), you could still sometimes see what you crossed out, etc and your brain subconsciously focuses on that. Gotta make it work hard, cause it wants the easy way out :)
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