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Application Help

fishtwentyfivefishtwentyfive Free Trial Member
in General 227 karma
So the first semester of my senior year just ended. I was originally going to have my apps in about a month ago, but I had to switch one of my LOR references. I just finished finals, so my grades for the semester come out in less than a week. Should I wait to submit my apps until I have my new transcripts sent in to LSAC? I already have my transcripts in, just not with this most recent semester's grades on them. My GPA will probably jump like .02... lol... Basically I'm asking if waiting to submit my apps will be worth the time (like a week total) I will lose before I apply? Everyone's always empasizing that you should get your apps in early because schools work on a rolling basis... what do you guys think?



  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Submit now and update later.
  • lsatingslsatings Alum Member
    349 karma
    @fishtwentyfive said:
    Should I wait to submit my apps until I have my new transcripts sent in to LSAC?
    Nope. Just like @Pacifico said, submit now and update later. Especially if your GPA isn't going to change significantly, go ahead and assume your application is pretty much done.
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