Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). BR? - 7Sage Forum


lawyerme?lawyerme? Alum Member
in General 31 karma
How do I do BR?


  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    Typically, you want to take a PT under strict, timed conditions. You want to make these conditions as similar to test day as you can. While you are going through the test timed, circle any questions that you cannot eliminate 4 wrong answer choices with 100% confidence and confirm the correct answer choice with 100% confidence. At the conclusion of the timed test, print a clean copy (or copy before hand if working from the books) and do all circled questions untimed. During this run, dig as deep as you need to into the argument/fact set and work to eliminate and confirm with 100% confidence. Take as long as you need to. This is where the bulk of learning takes place and where you start to notice the subtle patterns that emerge within the tests. Beware of confidence errors. These are questions that you miss that you don't circle. These are particularly dangerous because they represent the fact that you were 100% sure of the right and wrong answer choices but ended up being incorrect. These will inevitably happen, but work to keep them to a minimum. When they do happen, you have to understand why you missed it and eliminate the faulty reasoning that led to said miss.

    Another tip that has helped me tremendously is to type out the reasoning for each question including the premise, conclusion, what I need to be looking for and why each answer choice is either right or wrong. This will help a great deal when you watch the video to see how closely your reasoning matches JYs or Jonathans. Best of luck to you. Be sure to ask any questions you might have.
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