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Applying to law school a now or even a bit later?? Please advise !!!!

in General 45 karma
Okay so I'm facing a dilema that I feel is a gamble either way. Last year I took the LSAT and didn't do as good as I would of liked, I got a 151 and I was looking to move to California since my parents live there. I also applied to the University of Denver since this is where I live. I did get in with 20,000/yr scholarship. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to move because there was a custody case going on with my son. Yet the decision wasn't made until November. I wanted to wait until court to schedule my LSAT to know if I was taking it in California or Colorado. I messed up and didn't pay enough attention to deadlines and could no long take it in December. Court also didn't go our way so I was unable to move to California. Now I need to go to DU and I just took the LSAT today. DU's priority deadline is March 1st this year. Yet scores come out March 3rd. I'm pretty sure I got somewhere between a 158-161, I kept track of what I think I got right, how many I guessed. Is that jump worth waiting until two days passed the priority deadline to apply?? Or should I use it to try and negotiate more money as long as they do accept me again? Please help!


  • 7sagelsatstudent1807sagelsatstudent180 Alum Member
    932 karma
    Apply now and ask them to wait until your new scores are posted to review your application... good luck
  • draj0623draj0623 Alum Member
    916 karma
    You may want to reach out to a DU admissions representative to see if they would consider reviewing your application once the scores are ready and submit your application as soon as you have all other required materials ready. I heard most schools will hold the application until the scores are in and review at that time but I would definitely confirm with the school you're interested in applying. Good luck!
  • runiggyrunruniggyrun Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2481 karma
    You should chat with someone in admissions and see what they advise. The scores might come out early enough to make the deadline (December scores came out right at the deadline, but historically they have been known to come out early). Unless there's a significant disadvantage submitting right on the deadline, you can try and have everything ready to go and submit right before the deadline (hopefully with a fresh score).
  • 45 karma
    @runiggyrun said:
    You should chat with someone in admissions and see what they advise.
    How much should I mention though? I'm not sure I want to state that they are my only choice for school and then they figure they can give me less scholarship. Should I say I'm also applying to boulder? I could technically go there but it would be bad in winter and an hour from where I am anyways so I rather not.
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