Proctors: About 5 proctors, all very competent but not uptight and helped to create an overall relaxed atmosphere.
Facilities: Law School Building or Engineering Building. Vanderbilt is a beautiful university with very clean, modern facilities and plenty of room to hang out during the break with comfy chairs and couches.
What kind of room: Large lecture hall
How many in the room: ~50 -60
Desks: Long continuous lecture hall tables, ergonomic chairs with wheels, good lighting.
Left-handed accommodation: There was an empty seat between each test taker, plenty of room for lefties without bumping their neighbor.
Noise levels: Very low to silent, signs in the halls asking people to be quiet, testing in progress.
Parking: I walked to the test but there is parking available, I believe at a ramp several blocks away.
Time elapsed from arrival to test: ~ 1 hr
Irregularities or mishaps: None, proctors are very competent and clearly experienced.
Other comments: Great testing site. October was in the law school building, we were split into 2 smaller lecture halls by last name, February everyone was together in a bigger but almost identical lecture hall in the Engineering building.
Would you take the test here again? Yes