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PT order?

noobie1noobie1 Member
in General 266 karma
I'm getting ready to take PTs. Is it better to work from older to newer, vice versa, or jump around?


  • allison.gill.sanfordallison.gill.sanford Alum Inactive Sage
    1128 karma
    Mix them up! I would suggest saving most of the 70s for later in your prep, but for example if you do 2 PTs/wk, do one from the 40s, one from the 50s, and the next week do one from 50s and one from 60s. Variety is good.
  • allergicallergic Alum Member Inactive Sage
    246 karma
    Jump around, and be sure not to use up all the most recent tests early on.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    I favor skipping around. Though it would probably be best to knock out 36-45 or so in a row just to get a good baseline. No point in jumping ahead before you have some idea of where you are at. Once you've got some PT practice in then I'd say start cycling around by 5 or 10 (e.g.- 46, 51, 56, 61, etc. or 51, 61, 71, 52, 62, 72, etc.)
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