Proctors: 1
Facilities: Nothing noticeable bad. Building was bigger, but was able to find the restrooms pretty easily.
What kind of room: Took the exam in one of two small lecture-style auditoriums.
How many in the room: 25-30
Desks: Auditorium seating with swivel-up desks.
Left-handed accommodation: Possibly.
Noise levels: In general the building and class room was parking.
Parking: Though parking could have been an issue given the area, I had no trouble parking on campus relatively close to the building.Did not have to pay to park. I got there pretty early to find a spot, and saw several.
Time elapsed from arrival to test: Took about 25 minutes for everyone to line up and get assigned a room.
Irregularities or mishaps: None. Everything went smoothly.
Other comments: Things were very calm and went smoothly.
Would you take the test here again? I would probably prefer a place with bigger desks. I had to store my stuff on the ground or the seat next to me. Would have been nicer to be able to spread more.
Date[s] of Exam[s]:February 2015.