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[Test Center Review] University of Windsor Law Building, Windsor, ON, Canada

Proctors: Very helpful and friendly

Facilities: Hard to locate but proctors will guide you.

What kind of room: Court room. Seating was uncomfortable

How many in the room: Less than 30

Desks: A lot of desk space available during the test

Left-handed accommodation: Very good.

Noise levels: Door to the room was squeaky

Parking: Very accessible. Free parking on Saturdays

Time elapsed from arrival to test: Total test time took 6 hours

Irregularities or mishaps: N/A

Other comments: I wrote here twice and I recommend it

Would you take the test here again? Yes. Hopefully don't have to re-write though.

Date[s] of Exam[s]: October 3, 2015 and December 5, 2015.
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