Proctors: Very familiar with the procedure and strictly following them.
Facilities: Restrooms are close by and everything is clean and perfect.
What kind of room: Medium-sized lecture rooms.
How many in the room: 50 - 80
Desks: Long desks, more than enough space to spread out your stuff
Left-handed accommodation: Yes
Noise levels: Minimum
Parking: Ample parking in front of the building.
Time elapsed from arrival to test: Everyone was lined up in the first floor lobby first (testing rooms are on the second floor) and got assigned a piece of paper. If you arrive at 8:25 or later, you probably will have to be escorted to the testing rooms. The test started at around 9:30.
Irregularities or mishaps: Once during the test I heard a car alarm go off for about 15 seconds.
Other comments: The test center is at Hofstra Law School. People there are familiar with the test and the testing conditions are ideal. This place is just quiet throughout. The proctors can be very strict.
Would you take the test here again? Absolutely!
Date[s] of Exam[s]: 2014 Sept, 2015 Oct.