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[Contest WINNERS!] Announcing the Winners of the First Test Center Review Contest!!

Nicole HopkinsNicole Hopkins Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
edited March 2016 in General 4344 karma
We had 83 (WOW!) entries in our Test Center Review Contest. Congratulations to the randomly selected winners below!!

We'll be having another contest following the June exam so stay tuned! Entries posted after March 16th will be eligible for that prize.

@dj768083724 $50 Prize
@mimimimi $50 Prize
@cmart102 $25 Prize
@joshgold61 $25 Prize
@Priyanka $25 Prize
@LeBisondeMist $25 Prize
@"that individual" $10 Prize
@"esutherl-1" $10 Prize
@Farahleesa $10 Prize
@edgar $10 Prize
@hokie6260 $10 Prize
@shizuokatwin379 $10 Prize
@"Accounts Playable" $10 Prize
@jeaniecams $10 Prize
@john.baldwin $10 Prize
@UsernameChange $10 Prize

A note to the winners: We'll be sending over your Amazon gift cards over the next day or so :) Keep an eye out and email me if you haven't received yours by Friday evening.


  • shizuokatwin379shizuokatwin379 Alum Member
    95 karma
    Yaay!!! Thank you!
  • mimimimimimimimi Free Trial Member
    368 karma
    Thank you 7sage for $50 toward my law school fund! Haha
  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14246 karma
    Congrats everyone and thanks for sharing your experiences for the next generation of 7Sagers!
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