Lots of points made in this short video from Bloomberg Law. I agree completely with his viewpoint about the importance of writing and recommending that people should generally avoid pre-law courses in favor of having a more well-rounded focus in undergrad.
Nevertheless, I think it's a little harder to justify making law school 4 years due to the extra monetary/time costs and the perception of many law school students who felt that their 3rd year was useless (
http://abovethelaw.com/2013/09/recent-graduates-overwhelmingly-think-their-third-year-was-useless/). It certainly could be the case that these law school students are just simply wrong, but of the many law school teachers, current lawyers, and retired lawyers I've talked to, the vast majority seem to think that law school either is a year too long or 3 years is fine.
Idk though, I haven't been to law school (yet), but I'm interested in what current law school students/law school grads think.
If law school were four years, it'd be the first three years that were busy and the fourth would be a joke. Unless they change the timing of giving out offers, that won't ever change.
Every attorney I've spoken with has said that they got most of what they needed out of LS after 2 years.