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LSAT Podcasts?

dervy2017dervy2017 Member
edited June 2016 in General 72 karma
So I'm unfortunately stuck having to drive out of state about 15 hours (each way) and want to make use of the downtime in the car.

Are there any podcasts or (audio) sections of the 7Sage lessons that anyone would recommend? If only I could figure out how to take a PT while driving :)


  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    Could go over the webinar videos that don't share screen
  • mtf612mtf612 Alum Member
    78 karma is a gold mine. Many hours of fantastic commentary from Nathan and Ben (each are professional tutors).
  • dervy2017dervy2017 Member
    72 karma
    Both of these are great, thank you!
  • nickott10nickott10 Free Trial Member
    39 karma
    LSAT Logic in Everyday Life is one Podcast that I enjoyed and found valuable. They are a bit old, but I believe still relevant. These lessons are not going to teach you how to conquer the LSAT, but will help you begin thinking differently.
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