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Honest opinion about which program to buy?

solkriossolkrios Free Trial Member
in General 140 karma
I've been looking at this website and have been contemplating whether or not to buy the program, and if so, which to buy. I know I am asking the 7Sage crew and I hope no one is offended by my question - I'm just trying to figure out what may work best for me, while also keeping in mind cost! That said, I am impressed with the sense of community and the approach of this site, so I'm definitely leaning towards getting a course/program, I just don't know which one.

I did well studying on my own, using Powerscore & Kaplan materials as well as prep-tests, but I never did the Blind Review method, which I first heard about on here, and I think it is a good way to look at studying for the LSAT. I'll definitely implement. Anyways, I was practicing at about 168-172 but I admit that I wasn't always as strict as I should I have been with timing myself, so its possible I went over a few minutes on a few exams, which could have bumped up my score. Unfortunately, I had an anxiety attack prior to my June 2016 test and didn't sleep for two days. I've never had test anxiety and the experience was totally foreign, but it is was it is. I got a 159. Totally bummed, but was fearing even worse. I've gone back and taken parts of the June test and performed way better, even acing the LG part (which I often do, but got a -6 on the June 2016 test). I blame the lack of sleep and test anxiety, but I still know there are skills I can improve on and dedication/hard work with a good prep-course would do me good.

Basically, I feel like I know a lot of the core principals, but need some reinforcement. Which program would be best? I am retaking in either Sept or December for 2017 admission.

Any advice? I'm not a beginner, but I also don't think I need to do the entire full course. Looking for some input. Thanks, guys!!!


  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    I think you'll do well with the Starter pack, I know it doesn't seem like it has much material (compared to other packs and the insanely affordable price), but it truly contains rich information and prep material that has sufficed for many people! If you want explanations on newer PTs, you can add them onto your course or simply upgrade, the 7sage crew is very easy about upgrading. You'll definitely get your money and time's worth from this course if you take it seriously, and that's coming from someone who has tried many other LSAT prep avenues.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    However, if money is not an obstacle, then by all means purchase the Ult.+ pack. I'm not the type to give false/biased advice, if other companies had all the material/info/assistance from the Ult.+ pack (even lower packs) they would triple the cost, if not quadruple. PR for example offered way less than what even the Premium pack of 7sage has and cost me close to $1k. -___-
  • solkriossolkrios Free Trial Member
    140 karma
    @montahar Thanks for your input! I totally believe you that the 7sage is a better program for a better price. Plus, it comes with a sense of community. It's not that I don't think the Ultimate would be beneficial - I just don't how much more so it will be than some of the others, since I think a lot of my poor performance on the last exam was lack of prep not on the material side, but more on the self-discipline side and the psychological readiness, if that makes any sense.
  • MrSamIamMrSamIam Inactive ⭐
    2086 karma
    Try out the starter package for a month. If you like it, you can always upgrade. I've tried multiple prep companies. The only one I can honestly recommend is 7Sage.
  • Darth JuristDarth Jurist Member
    453 karma
    My honest, unbiased opinion would be to go with the U or U+. I have used other prep test materials and they are not the same as 7Sage. 7Sage is better because they do not try to teach you a bunch of mechanical stops to solving the questions. You actually learn proper argumentation. Also, having the video explanations can be gold when you come across some questions that don't make any sense to you. Across the board with other prep companies, the U+ is still probably one of the cheapest.

    The U+ will definitely give the best shot of "maximizing" your score. If money is a factor, go with the U, it is way cheaper than a standard university class and you have access for a year. Either way, can't go wrong.
  • Accounts PlayableAccounts Playable Live Sage
    3107 karma
    I purchased the Ultimate+, and it was probably the best decision I have made so far in my law school career. If you are worried about the cost/hesitant to get the Ultimate+ starting out, you can purchase the Starter package and upgrade later.

    Regardless of the course, one of the most valuable assets (that honestly, too few people take advantage of) are the forums, BR calls, comments section on the videos, etc. There are tons of great resources to take advantage of in addition to the lessons. No matter what you decide to do, participation in the community is a great way (and efficient way) to improve your LSAT score.
  • solkriossolkrios Free Trial Member
    140 karma
    Great advice, all! - thanks!
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