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Varying Difficulty of LR Sections

civnetncivnetn Free Trial Member
edited July 2016 in Logical Reasoning 148 karma
I suppose the difficulty of any given LR section depends on your strengths and weaknesses, but I'm wondering if there's a general consensus on certain LR sections being much more difficult than others. I'm finding my LR scores are varying greatly.

I'll take one section and get 8 wrong and just be completely utterly stumped. Then I'll take another section and only get 2 wrong.

Anyone else have this experience?

Also wondering which prep-test have LR sections most similar to today's. I know the older one's aren't as similar, but when do they start becoming similar? 35+? 40+?


  • stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
    3197 karma
    Each section has its own difficulty that creates an overall consistent test. I believe its called section equalization? So yes, it is possible to have one LR section that is -0 and the other miss -4. Its very important to BR these, to learn from each question.
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