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The Good Wife

SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
in General 10801 karma

I know we are all studying probably every minute but if any of you are looking for some new law show to watch, I really recommend checking "The Good Wife" out.

I was just watching one of the episodes, and she was in court room where an "adhesive expert" was called. No joke. His job is about analyzing the things stuck on the glue'y side of the sticky note. And he was basically saying how a note's sticky side that had fallen on the ground had lead on it, and one of the items, the painting also had lead on it, so the note must have come from that painting.

The main lead was on the opposing side. And I was thinking, how would I weaken this thing on LSAT..... What about if any other item in the house also had lead on it? And sure enough, she introduces an additional premise saying the expert concluded too hastily, a lamp on the desk where the unused sticky notes like also had lead on it as well. And its possible the sticky note might have touched the lamp before being placed on another item which might not be the painting. So, its not necessary that the note was on that particular painting!

I don't know why but the fact that I could predict the form the "right answer" might take, and that I was right, made me sooo happy. :D I know I still have a lot to learn, but I have finally started to feel like I am getting to a place where I am beginning to understand.... and its such a good feeling.


  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    5120 karma
    Love that Episode!!! One of my favorite shows, sadly this was the last season:(

    Watch Will in Federal Court the first time - it was the best. My husband and I latched on to the phrase when talking about delicate conversational subjects - "In my Opinion" has changed our lives:)
  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma
    I will check that out. :) I miss Will on the show and that sounds interesting. I am loving how the current season shows the realities of Bond Court and how speed is given priority over justice!

    I think so many of the other shows like Suite or movies like legally bond embellish the life of lawyers. But I think this show is so much more real.
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