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How much have people increased their scores by and in what timeframe?

mk940808mk940808 Alum Member
in General 209 karma
Hi! I thought it'd be interesting to get a general feel for this question. I've increased my score by about 3-4 points on average through a month of studying and I'm not sure what to think of that -- it seems a tad slow, especially since I assume the rate of increase will decline as my PT scores get higher. What has your experience been and what would you recommend to further increase scores?


  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    Not everyone has the same goals nor does everyone have the same diagnostics. I say if you diagnosed somewhere in the high 150s seeing 3-4pt increase is good after a month of prep. The main thing is to go at a pace that's good for you and while knowing other people's pace may be a good reference, it shouldn't be something you should compare to
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28067 karma
    @meral.k94 said:
    I assume the rate of increase will decline as my PT scores get higher.
  • mk940808mk940808 Alum Member
    209 karma
    Yeah, exactly, hence why I'm worried. I assume there will be a threshold once I've done all of my necessary hw and studied 7sage etc.

    I started off with 165 (although I've scored as low as 161 since my first diagnostic test) and am aiming for low 170s in September, and hopefully a few points higher in December. Considering we have a little less than 1.5 months left, do you think that's a reasonable goal?

    Does anyone have any recommendations for study prep aside from PT and 7sage videos? I'm feeling a little clueless right now :/
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28067 karma
    If you started with a 165, that is truly remarkable. A lot of people study for upwards of a year for this kind of score. Reaching the 170’s is probably just a matter of time for you. The question is how much time. I’ve heard of one person doing it in 3 months. That’s by far the fastest I’ve ever heard of. Starting with a 165, maybe you could do it. A month and half would just be nuts, so I’d caution you against taking in September. I think the question you need to ask yourself is what do you do if you fall short in December. You’ve got two options. 1. Take what you get and go wherever you can get in. or 2. Delay your application a year, commit to achieving your highest possible LSAT score, and have your pick of law schools. The difference between a high 160s and a mid 170s really is staggering. The rate of improvement increases the higher you go, but so do the rewards.

    If you’re determined to apply this cycle, then sure, go ahead and take in September. You can retake in December and hope you can bridge that gap.

    I hope you’ll choose to delay if you don’t reach your potential. The school you go to (and the amounts of money they hurl at you) will dramatically effect the number and quality of opportunities available to you after graduation. It really is something that can determine the course of your life. What’s a year to get it right? Not much.

    What I would do is study for December. Go ahead and put your application together in case you do max out your score. Then you’ll be ready to fire off your apps. If you do fall a little short, you’re left with a year and two takes to get it right and apply next cycle with the greatest possible potential. That’s a great place to be.
  • Matthew524Matthew524 Member
    651 karma
    I have been studying since Last June, took a month or two off for personal reasons, then got back on track. My diagnostic was a 142, took the June exam and scored a 158, currently studying again for the September exam and I am PTing in the high 160's (average is a 167.5). Its been a long road, but facing the struggles and obstacles helps build character as well as helps raise your LSAT score.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @Matthew524 said:
    I am PTing in the high 160's (average is a 167.5).
    YES!!! so proud :D
  • mk940808mk940808 Alum Member
    209 karma
    @"Cant Get Right"
    Thanks so much for your thoughtful and detailed advice! That is all extremely helpful. I've already registered for the September test so I'm definitely taking it, and will again in December. If my scores aren't where they should I think I will hold off for a year and retake it again in June or September. I did grad school right after undergrad so I wouldn't mind taking a year or two off to work! But of course, there's always the missed opportunity cost of the potential $160k salary by postponing, so I will try my best in the meanwhile!

    Also, another quick question: does the amount that the law school offers affect chances of prestigious jobs, clerkships, etc, after graduating? I'm asking because I've been in academia so far and having good sources of funding generally gets the ball rolling to get you more funding, because you're seen as more worthy or whatnot (pretty counterintuitive tbh but I'm not complaining). Is it the same in law?

    I thank you profusely for your time and care in your answers!

    @Matthew524 wow -- a 26 point increase? That's incredible! Congratulations on all your hard work! You give me hope :)
  • Matthew524Matthew524 Member
    edited August 2016 651 karma
    @mk940808 This test broke me down and I was determined to do the best of my ability and I refused to give up! And thank you! @montaha.rizeq and @mk940808
  • rakinalikhanrakinalikhan Alum Member
    329 karma
    it took me a year from my first practice test of 138 to get me to a 152/3. im going to be writing both the september and december lsat so hopegully i can somehow sneak into the high 150s low 160s by december.
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28067 karma
    @mk940808 said:
    does the amount that the law school offers affect chances of prestigious jobs, clerkships, etc, after graduating?
    There is probably a correlation here, but I’d suspect it is only because schools offer money to students most likely to be among their top performers. From what I understand the two things that are most important coming out of school are the school itself and your class ranking.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @Matthew524 said:
    I refused to give up!
    Seriously man, you're #goals.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @mk940808 said:
    Hi! I thought it'd be interesting to get a general feel for this question. I've increased my score by about 3-4 points on average through a month of studying and I'm not sure what to think of that -- it seems a tad slow, especially since I assume the rate of increase will decline as my PT scores get higher. What has your experience been and what would you recommend to further increase scores?
    Everything everyone has added I will second!

    A 165 diagnostic....Damn! At one point a 165 was my end goal!

    So like others have said, I think it would serve you to wait until December or until your average is in the 170s. Whichever comes first. I'm a bit cautious in advising you to take in September just because I know plenty of people who plateau in the mid-high 160s. This can easily take 2 months of intense review and drilling to remedy.
    You'll prevail in the end, but you just need to allow yourself the time to really master the LSAT.

    I think if you scored a 165 diagnostic you have a knack for this test. With a little more hard work, say by December, you should be golden. Take breaks and be cautious not to burn out!
  • stgl1230stgl1230 Member
    821 karma
    I started with a 162 on the June 2007 LSAT prior to starting the curriculum in March (I had been exposed to the LSAT Trainer before though, mostly for game strategies). I am now PTing in the low 170s. Now just trying to increase my speed and accuracy for September.
  • BruiserWoodsBruiserWoods Member Inactive ⭐
    1706 karma
    What @"Cant Get Right" said. <3 u
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