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Where do you guys study?

jaymasonman13jaymasonman13 Free Trial Member
in General 48 karma
I'm curious as to whether or not it is worth investing in a desk/study space in my home.

Wondering where you guys study for the LSAT? At home? or do you go to a library?

Also, if you study at home, how is your study space set up?


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    I prefer to study at home most of the time. Here is my desk set up where I study. Next to it is a pile of PTs, Cambridge Packets, and all the LSAT books I wasted tons of money on, lol.

  • danielznelsondanielznelson Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    4181 karma
    I have the same story, though my desk (and surrounding surface area) is now a lot messier than is that! I will sometimes go to the library to add some flair to the environment during PTing, or I will use another, much less comfortable desk in my apartment.

    This is a bit off topic, but I like to always switch up my surrounding environment, whether it be lighting, temperature, or sound. At times, I bring in a heavy amount of background noise, for example. And in other instances, I try to PT during deadening silence.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @danielznelson said:
    This is a bit off topic, but I like to always switch up my surrounding environment, whether it be lighting, temperature, or sound. At times, I bring in a heavy amount of background noise, for example. And in other instances, I try to PT during deadening silence.

    Awesome! I am definitely going to try this when I begin Pt'ing. I was also planning on taking a few PTs at a library or something with moderate noise so I get a feel for what that is like.
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28066 karma
    Yeah I pretty much stay at home. I have a very similar setup to @"Alex Divine" . I've taken a few PTs in coffee shops, to train with some distraction, but for the most part I think home has been best for me.
  • jaymasonman13jaymasonman13 Free Trial Member
    48 karma
    @danielznelson said:
    I have the same story, though my desk (and surrounding surface area) is now a lot messier than is that! I will sometimes go to the library to add some flair to the environment during PTing, or I will use another, much less comfortable desk in my apartment.
    I feel like my local library will be too distracting to study in most days. It is always full of children and they can be pretty loud. I might have to invest in a desk...
  • jaymasonman13jaymasonman13 Free Trial Member
    48 karma
    @"Cant Get Right" said:
    I've taken a few PTs in coffee shops, to train with some distraction, but for the most part I think home has been best for me.
    Now a coffee shop might be something I should consider! I do love coffee ...
  • danielznelsondanielznelson Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    4181 karma
    @jaymasonman13 It would likely be unrepresentative, given the ironic screaming and yelling so customary at libraries, though you never know...

    And I went to the library in light of that position, because I figured doing so would mess with my mind a bit (as will going to the actual test center on test day) and it would almost inevitably require that I control my anger, while attempting to drown out some doofus practically shouting to the librarian about his favorite James Bond, Godzilla, and King Kong movies; or the small children crying because they weren't allowed to check out a video game.

    You may very well run across some people going a little crazy with the foot-tapping, for example, so I found it helpful to get annoyed beforehand, so on test day, I can look back at the instances where I was able to get over annoyances.
  • jaymasonman13jaymasonman13 Free Trial Member
    48 karma
    @danielznelson said:
    while attempting to drown out some doofus practically shouting to the librarian about his favorite James Bond, Godzilla, and King Kong movies; or the small children crying because they weren't allowed to check out a video game.
    lmfao! Yeah that is the library I go to in a nutshell.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @jaymasonman13 said:
    lmfao! Yeah that is the library I go to in a nutshell.
    I might take a few PTs in a library once I get to that point in my prep, but I have a pretty loud library near my house too. The good news is that it is literally at the end of my block, so I can always walk back home in 3 minutes if it is too loud, haha.

    I do recommend getting a desk to study at home. I personally feel a lot more productive at home, but, hey, that is just me. I think it also helps to have like a go to place at a go to time for LSAT prep. Really helps with instilling good study habits. :)
  • jaymasonman13jaymasonman13 Free Trial Member
    48 karma
    @"Alex Divine" Where did you get your desk and chair? I like your set up and am looking for something like that but without spending an arm and a leg...
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    I actually got them both for pretty cheap from Target.

    I think all together both chair and desk were under $200 bucks. Can't beat it!

    Though, you may want to check out craigslist and see if you can score one for cheaper. There are always people moving who sell their furniture for the low ;)

  • danielznelsondanielznelson Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    4181 karma
    @"Alex Divine" good point - do vary locations so much until you've been doing PTs for a while.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @danielznelson Exactly and tis' what I shall do. I might even consider going back to my undergrad library to study for PTs. It is still only like 2 miles away from my apartment now.... I know where the quieter spots are, so there won't be talking, but there will be paper shuffling, foot tapping, coughing, etc. I think that might be my best bet for simulating test day conditions.
  • jaymasonman13jaymasonman13 Free Trial Member
    48 karma
    @"Alex Divine" said:
    I actually got them both for pretty cheap from Target.
    Awesome thank you for the links. My wife has a tar jay credit card, so I might be able to swing those this week!

    Any other must haves you would advise I buy for my prepping?
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    Dope! I think if you use a credit card there is some incentive (additional money off?) I know Target always has cool deals like that.

    Uhhh...must haves... The 7Sage course, lol. Good pencils (I like the Staedtler Noricas), a good sharpener (I like the Palomino Blackwing long point sharpener ---- it really does make a difference! Longer point = longer life!) And get yo' self a good damn eraser. I think I bought a pack of the Staedtler Mars ones. Other thank that, hmmm... maybe a specialized LSAT watch, but that isn't a must have at all. You can use any analogue watch for the official LSAT, but I recommend getting acclimated to using one so on test day it is second nature.

    And a positive attitude --- that is my must have :)
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @"Alex Divine" said:
    Uhhh...must haves... The 7Sage course, lol.
  • jaymasonman13jaymasonman13 Free Trial Member
    48 karma
    @"Alex Divine" Yo if I can cop a discount all the better. I will check out ordering all that stuff next week. Do you think the more expensive pencils make that big a difference?

    And 7Sage is a must! I think you are the one who recommended 7Sage and this forum to me from TLS when I pm'd you on there a couple weeks ago. You told me to say away from the LSAT for dummies book I was considering lmfao.

    Thanks for all your help. I will be in touch Barack ;)
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @montaha.rizeq said:
    Uhhh...must haves... The 7Sage course, lol.

    Hehe :) Definitely a must have for LSAT prep. Ain't no way around it!
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @jaymasonman13 said:
    And 7Sage is a must! I think you are the one who recommended 7Sage and this forum to me from TLS when I pm'd you on there a couple weeks ago. You told me to say away from the LSAT for dummies book I was considering lmfao.

    Thanks for all your help. I will be in touch Barack ;)
    Yooooo Alex has way too much street cred haha
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited August 2016 23929 karma
    @jaymasonman13 said:
    Do you think the more expensive pencils make that big a difference?
    Marginally, lol. I'm a nerd who loves gizmos and gadgets. It makes me happy to have "the best" pencils. Deep down I'm a poor loser, but when it comes to LSAT prep I can have the best pencils and prep material, so for the 4 hours a day I prep, I feel like a king :)

    Haha. I do think a good pencil is worth it though. The Noricas are reasonably priced too. I picked up 72 for $25 bucks or something like that. I think Staples had the best price for 'em. And the long point sharpener will make any pencil better, or at least last longer.
    @jaymasonman13 said:
    And 7Sage is a must! I think you are the one who recommended 7Sage and this forum to me from TLS when I pm'd you on there a couple weeks ago. You told me to say away from the LSAT for dummies book I was considering lmfao
    Oh yeah! Lol. I totally remember that now. Totally stay away from those books. The worst I've ever seen (And I own a copy) is Barron's Pass Key To the LSAT ... It makes LSAT for Dummies look like ..... idk.... The LSAT Trainer (another recommendation I think we talked about)

    @jaymasonman13 said:
    Thanks for all your help. I will be in touch Barack
    LMAO! Barack O'Drama at your service ;)
  • CenaBenaCenaBena Member
    138 karma
    I switch it up. I have an office in my house which I use the majority of the time. Sometimes I will study at my kitchen table.

    Depending on if I feel like getting out of sweat pants and brushing my hair I will go to the university in my city and study in a library just for a change of scenery.

    I think the main thing is to have some variety - because your test centre will not be like home.

    Good luck :)
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @"Alex Divine" I love your study spot I don't think I'd go to my uni's library if I had that haha!
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @montaha.rizeq said:
    I love your study spot I don't think I'd go to my uni's library if I had that haha!
    Hehe! :) Now you can picture me sitting right there as I type this, not studying, and mostly watching YouTube videos, lol.

    It is nice finally having a study spot again. I moved about 3 weeks ago, and for a week I had no where to study. So I was kind of just studying at work, lol. I finally got around to setting up my office space, so now all is well again!
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @"Alex Divine" said:
    Hehe! :) Now you can picture me sitting right there as I type this, not studying, and mostly watching YouTube videos, lol.

    It is nice finally having a study spot again. I moved about 3 weeks ago, and for a week I had no where to study. So I was kind of just studying at work, lol. I finally got around to setting up my office space, so now all is well again!
    LOL! glad you got your spot up and running :D
  • westcoastbestcoastwestcoastbestcoast Alum Member
    3788 karma
    @"Alex Divine" I have a similar looking table as you! Is that from Ikea by any chance?
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited August 2016 23929 karma
    @westcoastbestcoast said:
    I have a similar looking table as you! Is that from Ikea by any chance?
    Sup Westcoast :)

    No, that one is from Target. It is funny you mention that though because the old one I had was an "Icke" Desk from Ikea and was basically the exact same thing. The only difference was the desk was white instead of natural finish. Is that the one you have?

    I actually tried to buy a new one, but the Ikea closest to my house told me they don't have them anymore... I was bummed. Luckily I found this one at Target for around the same price. :)
  • Nanchito-1-1Nanchito-1-1 Alum Member
    1762 karma
    I couldn't find a cheap desk in the style that I liked so I took my coffee table and some pillows stuck it in a tiny nook (perfect size) a picture of my old pal, with piles of paper, my computer and accordion folders and I called it my study area. There's an elliptical behind me for impulse cardio.
  • Dark Knight VDark Knight V Member
    194 karma
    When I started out I'd just study on a table at home, but I got tired of it. Now I mostly go to the local library and occasionally coffee shops nearby - I find it helps to get out of the house. Try a couple of things out and see what works best for you!
  • Kristen BKristen B Member
    388 karma
    @CenaBena said:
    I think the main thing is to have some variety - because your test centre will not be like home.
    I love variety as well! I study almost everywhere, from parks, to coffee shops, to my university library. Basically, Ill study anywhere that is "social" even though I have to be antisocial lol.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @nanchito said:
    There's an elliptical behind me for impulse cardio.
    Lmao! Now that is dedication ;)
  • jaymasonman13jaymasonman13 Free Trial Member
    48 karma
    @"Alex Divine" Hey so it looks like I am ordering that desk sometime next week. Was it hard to assemble and how do you like it so far?

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @jaymasonman13 Nice dude! :)

    No it was super easy to assemble and I'm not very good at assembling things, lol. You basically just screw the legs into the bottom of the desk. The entire unboxing and assembly took less than 25 minutes.

    I like it a lot. I mean it is essentially the same desk I had from undergrad so I've grown quite fond of it. My favorite part is that it has AC plugs and USB ports built in. Super convenient.

  • CenaBenaCenaBena Member
    138 karma
    @"Kristen B" yes! I haven't tried a park yet - I think I would fall asleep in the sun!
  • awyeah26awyeah26 Alum Member
    75 karma
    I'm fortunate to live in the DC area, and I've studied on the weekends at the Library of Congress. Immaculate space. During the week I do most of my studying at home (or stay late in the office and complete a few problem sets/practice packets)
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