I'm aware "they" say not, but why is that? Is it really that harmful? Can't it help to keep the material fresh in your mind? I'm writing the June 9 LSAT and I'm afraid that after being accustomed to studying every day, by taking an entire day off, I might just blank on the Monday. Any advice is appreciated!
it's also psychologically been verified that cramming the day before does you no favors on test day. Having said that, if you've already been preparing for a long time, it could benefit you to maybe do a few warmups before test day, to reduce some jitters.
One reason: if you took a practice test and did poorly it could throw you off. You're not going to learn anything new on the day before. But at the same time, some of us do better when the material is fresh. So day before, do some easier questions to practice technique. I like to do a logic game or two before I take a practice test and will be doing that test day. I find that way my brain is already in LSAT mode before I even start the test and I don't waste valuable time warming it up.
If it makes you feel better to go through some untimed sections (don't even check the answers!) that's about the only thing I'd do in the last couple days before the test. Like @yang9999 mentioned, there have been tons of studies about how last-minute studying is ineffective at best and harmful at worst. Here's a fun personal story: I took the Feb LSAT and got a 161, decided to retake (in June), and the next PT I took after absolutely zero studying for three weeks, I got a 173. I had been cramming pretty hard leading up to the test and I think my brain just kind of fuzzed out. I've been taking it much easier this time around and I have way better overall performance. Obviously that's just me, but all that to say, brains do amazing things when they have time to rest.
I don't recommend any studying the day before or the day off. For both burnout and for your confidence. Even if you do light drills, if you struggle with them or get them wrong, it may throw off your confidence the day before or the day of the test.
Ultimately, the LSAT isn't a memorization based test. There is really no need to "refresh your memory" or anything right before the test.
Also good luck!!!

It's not the same , but prior to passing the Patent Bar exam, I studied very lightly. I reviewing some key questions that I had missed in order to feel confident that I would not miss those concepts again. I feel like it's more important to have some sort of routine that puts you into a good performance state. Studying daily was part of that routine for me so I kept up the routine pre-test day. For the LSAT I might shuffle through flashcards emphasizing key concepts but it will be a light study session and will not involve any practice tests. The best advice I got was not to do anything that was going to induce anxiety and to get a good nights rest.
What is this term "writing the lsat"
It's just another way of saying "taking the Lsat"
Not to poo poo everyone's advice, I think working on some lsat problems before the test is good. I forgot which LSAT program said to go over old practices tests that you've done before and do like 10 LG questions, a game, and a passage. I find the mindset necessary for the LG section kinda difficult to get into, so doing problems I've already done before helps. I think doing new problems though could damage your self esteem if you get them wrong.
Personally I would recommend practicing working your way through passages/stims & creating game boards + inferences in LG but not attempting the questions! Or if you do, just do them untimed or something.
The last two times I studied the day before I started falsely identifying what I thought were weaknesses, ie: I thought I was sucking at flaw questions, and then freaked out and skipped every flaw question on the test. It definitely threw me off to say the least.
I'd say do whatever helps reduce your anxiety going into the test. For me this meant doing nothing related to the LSAT in the week before the test. This might be different for you.
the two days leading up to my test, I didn't study at all (despite my trying) and I scored the highest I've scored on a PT. listen to your body, but generally be okay with the fact that "studying" anything a day or two before won't make a huge leap in your score.
I wouldn't personally do it. When I did my teaching certification exams my professor told me that it was best not to. She gave the analogy of dirt in a glass of water, you stir it up and it goes everywhere but, when you leave it for a while it settles. She said I needed to let my knowledge settle. That was 12 years ago and it stuck with me! Best of luck to you!