Hi guys i'm wondering if I could get some advice. I started casually studying for the LSAT about two months ago and i'm through 60% of the curriculum. In the fall ill be taking about 9 credit hours of classes so not too bad. In your guys opinion do I have enough time to squeeze in drilling through the cambridge packets for LR and LG then get in enough PT's for the December exam? I hear that some people just do logic games for a month..I would like to do that but it would take too much time away from scheduled PT's. Another option could be February but I will be taking 16 credit hours so I don't think ill have enough time...However the February exam is in the first week of so I could squeeze it in before the pressure of midterms. The next time I could take the test would then be December 2017 probably. I think my first diagnostic after I'm done the curriculum may give me a lot of info too..If I score around 152-152 I may just go ahead and write in December as my goal score is only 160...what do you guys think.
I recommend looking at this post too: https://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/8078/should-you-postpone
Take the time you need to learn the core curriculum and do a month long LG intensive. It is by far one of the best choices I've made during my prep. Getting LG consistently down to -2 or under is a HUGE confidence boost and really helps you to be able to focus on LR and RC.
Good luck