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Plan of attack.

LsatbreakingnewsLsatbreakingnews Alum Member
edited August 2016 in General 392 karma
Hi guys i'm wondering if I could get some advice. I started casually studying for the LSAT about two months ago and i'm through 60% of the curriculum. In the fall ill be taking about 9 credit hours of classes so not too bad. In your guys opinion do I have enough time to squeeze in drilling through the cambridge packets for LR and LG then get in enough PT's for the December exam? I hear that some people just do logic games for a month..I would like to do that but it would take too much time away from scheduled PT's. Another option could be February but I will be taking 16 credit hours so I don't think ill have enough time...However the February exam is in the first week of so I could squeeze it in before the pressure of midterms. The next time I could take the test would then be December 2017 probably. I think my first diagnostic after I'm done the curriculum may give me a lot of info too..If I score around 152-152 I may just go ahead and write in December as my goal score is only 160...what do you guys think.


  • Swift777Swift777 Member
    edited August 2016 83 karma
    Rule of thumb from some wise 7Sagers is to write the LSAT when you are scoring your last 5 Practice Tests in your target score range. I personally would recommend that you write a diagnostic and do a Blind Review. That will show you your room for potential improvement. Then perhaps you can revise your estimates for your target score, and determine the amount of time and energy you wish to allocate for this exam to reach your goal realistically.

    I recommend looking at this post too:
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @Euthyphro said:
    The next time I could take the test would then be December 2017 probably.
    Shoot for the latest date possible and give yourself sufficient time to prep. I know this forum is usually trigger happy in giving the advice to postpone, but 9/10 it is the best option. And the fact that you mention for the other choice(s) you would need to sacrifice or forgo giving yourself the time to do things like drill LG for a month let's me know December isn't the right choice. And February doesn't seem like a much better option.

    Take the time you need to learn the core curriculum and do a month long LG intensive. It is by far one of the best choices I've made during my prep. Getting LG consistently down to -2 or under is a HUGE confidence boost and really helps you to be able to focus on LR and RC.

    Good luck :)

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