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Problem sets

M.Yanka106M.Yanka106 Member
in General 113 karma
Question for those who completed the core curriculum- Did you use all the problem sets available for each question type or saved some for drilling later? It looks like the questions are arranged by difficulty. Not sure if I am going to get the benefit from the core-c if I save the problem sets at the end of each question type for drilling later. What was your approach? Thank you.


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @Quincy106 said:
    Did you use all the problem sets available for each question type or saved some for drilling later? It looks like the questions are arranged by difficulty. Not sure if I am going to get the benefit from the core-c if I save the problem sets at the end of each question type for drilling later. What was your approach? Thank you.
    Currently going through the CC with all the problem sets right now. I asked the same question a few weeks ago and most people that had completed the course recommended doing them until your understand the question type and then save some for drilling later on while PT'ing.

  • M.Yanka106M.Yanka106 Member
    113 karma
    thank you
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @M.Yanka106 said:
    thank you
    No problem! :)
  • J. TharpJ. Tharp Alum Member
    edited August 2016 575 karma
    @"Alex Divine" Thanks, I was about to ask this! I completed the core curriculum as a Premium user, but have since upgraded, so more problem sets are available. I was wondering if I needed to go back through and complete all of them... this seems like a better idea :)
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited August 2016 23929 karma
    @"J. Tharp" said:
    @"Alex Divine" Thanks, I was about to ask this! I completed the current curriculum as a Premium user, but have since upgraded, so more problem sets are available. I was wondering if I needed to go back through and complete all of them... this seems like a better idea :)
    Yeah dude, I was in the same situation not too long ago. I had the Starter course and once I got Ultimate I ended up feeling a bit uncertain of how to proceed. I'll be honest, the more I prep for the LSAT, the less useful I think it is to just sit there and do 50 or 100 S.A. questions or something like that. You'll know when you get the hang of it, so no use in doing 100 of them.

    At best you're just wasting questions and time while maybe getting marginally better, and at worse you are hurting yourself because should you need those to drill in the future if you get rusty or realize you didn't understand a certain type or S.A. question, you'll be kind of screwed if you did them all. I know a lot of sages recommend returning to the CC during your PT phase to re-watch lessons and drill questions and concepts that need addressing according to your analytics. So I am an advocate of a happy medium, wherever that may be for you.

    I know for certain question types like Main Point I got them right away after doing like 3 problem sets. The with N.A. and MOR I have to do like 8 of them before I felt like I got the hang of it.

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