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Kindle Preptest Format

destinees94destinees94 Alum Member
in General 5 karma
I purchased PT 76 and 77 from Amazon, but the format is completely wrong, has anyone successfully used Kindle versions of PTs to practice?


  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8722 karma
    I had a simliar experience with the kindle format. I actually couldn't get the exam to print either. Overall, the experience taught me to stay away from the kindle versions of the LSAT.
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28031 karma
    Yeah, I'm all about some ebooks, but for LSAT, it's got to be the real thing.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @David3389 said:
    Overall, the experience taught me to stay away from the kindle versions of the LSAT.
    @"Cant Get Right" said:
    but for LSAT, it's got to be the real thing
    Agreed with the above mentions. I see no benefit in an ebook version of the LSAT.
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