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Problem set

sean.sheehy.13sean.sheehy.13 Alum Member
in General 20 karma
Can anyone tell me exactly how to access the problem sets??? Sorry guys I know it's a dumb question


  • beth.flandersbeth.flanders Alum Member
    edited September 2016 212 karma
    Never a dumb question. At the top of the screen select "Course" and then select the "Syllabus" from the pull down menu. Scroll down to the appropriate topic (ie Main Point). On the right hand side of the topic name is a small graphic that looks like arrows on a diagonal. Click on the arrows and the topic will expand. At the bottom of the expanded topic you will see a list of problem sets. Click on them and you will be able to view the problem sets via silent video.
  • sean.sheehy.13sean.sheehy.13 Alum Member
    20 karma
    you are amazing, thank you @beth.flanders
  • MrSamIamMrSamIam Inactive ⭐
    2086 karma
    @beth.flanders This. All of the problem sets can be found under their respective lessons (under "Syllabus")
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