So I just took the September LSAT and have no idea how I did. But I'm sure I didn't get my target score (169) so do I wait for scores and then start studying again for December or continue studying now? Something just won't click with LR and I've heard of people taking breaks and coming back and it clicks so just wondering what to do here.
PS: No one knows how they did on the LSAT haha.
For me personally, i'd hate to loose about 3.5 weeks of study time waiting for the scores only to find out i didn't (and probably didn't) do as I had expected. So on that note, i'll probably cut back a bit on the amount of time i'm studying each week so at least I keep everything fresh in my mind and keep my momentum going. Once the scores come out, I'll be able to determine my next step.
The more you expose yourself to LR, the more likely it'll start clicking.
I also encourage you to join our BR calls. We go over the LR sections and really break them down. It is a great way to improve on LR. Hope to see you there.