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Number of PTs before LSAT

LSATHopeful-2LSATHopeful-2 Alum Member
in General 109 karma
Hey guys,

I'm currently working through the CC and I plan on finishing by October 24th. From then onwards I plan on doing 2 PTs a week (from 70 and up) until my December 3rd test day.

I've been studying since June and prior to starting with 7 Sage I took a KRAPLAN course and took about 15 PTs, in the lower numbers. Do you think those 8 or so PTs after October 24th will be sufficient?

Also, if I should aim to finish earlier, any idea on what I can skip in the CC? Thanks!


  • SamiSami Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    edited October 2016 10789 karma
    Hi LSATHopeful-2,

    I think it all depends on where you score on those tests and what your goal is. If all it takes is 8 PTs to get to your target score then yeah, I think that's enough. For some people 2 PTs a week is perfect. For me I find it too much especially with a job and needing time to drill out weakness plus trying to BR thoroughly. So I think it very much depends on how much time you have to work on LSAT and what what the gap between your dream score vs. actual score is on those practice tests.

    I honestly would not recommend skipping anything in CC unless you are sure that you understand that concept thoroughly. Maybe since you have taken 15 PTs before, you can enter your score in analytics and see where your weaknesses are and concentrate on doing the CC for them vs a question type you get right?
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