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Entering Retakes in Analytics

Jules802Jules802 Member
in General 133 karma
I'm starting to retake some of the tests that I took a few months ago and already entered into the 7sage analytics there a way to enter the answers I have for retakes into 7sage without deleting the information from a few months ago? I figure it could be helpful to compare the two...thanks!


  • stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
    3197 karma
    Hi Jules -

    A few people talked about this a few days ago and I was playing around with it this morning. While there is no option to keep all of the data there are a few options.

    Remember you can always download previous data on the Questions Table tab (at the very bottom) but if you want to keep a history here are the options I know of...

    1) Copy all of the summary data from the past test and paste it into the notes section, then clear the test. You lose all of the original answers and BR by doing this. Then when you take the new test be sure to change the test date at the top. or you can also delete the test (be sure to copy the note before doing this) and then start a new test. This will not give you a side by side of answers, but the easiest option to compare overall results.

    For side by side,

    2) Leave all of your answers from the original test. Copy the summary data and paste it into the notes so you know what you BR and take the new test in the BR mode. Pros you can compare answers, Cons, you dont get the breakdown of new test and can through off the anaylitcs for what you need to work on.

    3) Copy the summary data, paste into the notes. Then transfer all of your original answers to the BR part of the test, and when you retake, enter in the new test on the original answer sheet. Then when you "check scores" you old test will show up as the BR score (but keep in mind it is compared to your new answers so the score could change BUT it will show what your orginal answers were.
    The only nice part about this is all the new analytics will be based on the test you just took. Also be sure to change the date on the calendar to reflect your new test date.
    Pros: Get analytics on the new test Cons: Takes time and can make your BR score look weird, but just remember you just wanted your answers not a score

    I am sure other people have a few insights.

    I opted to do #1 today
  • Jules802Jules802 Member
    133 karma
    @stepharizona thanks so much for the ideas! This is very helpful!
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