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getting worse at LG

ejs23ejs23 Member
in General 41 karma
Hello I have been following the blind review method and studying for 4 months (post-completion of CC) and I have been progressively getting worse at LGs. I am trying to really stay positive but I am not only taking so much longer to solve questions I am getting so many wrong. I had seen improvements all along but now, no matter what question I solve, I fail miserably. Anyone have any advice to get out of this rut!?

I would really appreciate any tips or expereiences!

thank you :)


  • tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
    2573 karma
    @ejs23 are you trying to duplicate what's in the explanations? If you're doing the Fool Proof Method you should be able to complete the games if only from memorization. Do you know what you did wrong on each question you got wrong? Diagramming, inferences, misinterpreting rules?? If all else fails, you should return to the curriculum. I wouldn't be too concerned with the timing right now. Once you have figured out what's giving you this issue you can throw in the timing component.
  • Not Ralph NaderNot Ralph Nader Alum Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2098 karma
    @ejs23 Memorize all the inferences and try to implement them. The inferences and questions repeat over and over. Let me give you just one example, one of the grouping game in PT60s is almost identical to a game in PT30s and I mean even the key inferences are the same. So do not feel bad if you memorize reasoning for a right answer choice and choose it from memory as long as you can remember the reasoning.

    I have combined number of great advices on 7Sage and created a practice routine for myself, take a look at it change it to meet your needs and I am sure you can improve dramatically within a short time on LG. Use the timer when taking LG section to develop an internal time clock to know when you should move on from a game
    @nader.parham said:
    After fool proofing LG Bundle, take LG sections of PT 1-35 under time and watch J.Y explanation after completing each section but this time when you watching focus mostly on how he teaches to perceive the right answer choice (instead of brute force) and try to implement his suggestions on the next section.

    Do not get bog down on one question (take a hint if possible) but if you find one super difficult and you are confident about your master game board, skip the question answer others in that particular game then come back to it use your other set ups you drew; if nothing works finish the section and if you have extra time come back to it. The ultimate goal is to be able to systematically answer any questions so when under exam pressure you just follow your system. You need to develop a system that works best for you. The system I am trying to follow is like

    1- read the question set up the sketch try make obvious inferences
    2- check answer choices
    3- If still confused take count of the items write them near questions and go through the rules one by one make inferences
    4- check answer choices
    5- If still stuck, SKIP the question
    6- After I have done all other questions I will take another try at it by only checking the question against all of my sketches (I do not try to make inferences again unless I already finished the section)

    Pacifico Logic Games Attack Strategy

    J.Y fool-proof guide

    Online Stopwatch with Loop-countdown
    I hope this help
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @nader.parham said:
    Memorize all the inferences and try to implement them. The inferences and questions repeat over and over. Let me give you just one example, one of the grouping game in PT60s is almost identical to a game in PT30s and I mean even the key inferences are the same. So do not feel bad if you memorize reasoning for a right answer choice and choose it from memory as long as you can remember the reasoning.
    Best LG advice ever right here. ^
  • Nanchito-1-1Nanchito-1-1 Alum Member
    1762 karma
    Take a few weeks to focus on LG specifically by foolproofing games 35 and down. Figure out what's happening. Pressure? Mistakes? Sloppy diagrams? Too slow? Too fast?

    Drill and redrill. Don't worry it gets easier.
  • runiggyrunruniggyrun Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2481 karma
    If you have the time, it might be beneficial to take a break from games before delving back in and implementing the great advice from the people above. Right now it looks like you're psyching yourself out of being able to do well, and continuing down that path could make things worse and might cement the internal belief of "I'll just never be good at games, I know I'm going to mess this up, I always mess this up..."
    Focus on something else for a week or two, then come back.
    Not with a timer, but with a stopwatch (counting up from 0 instead of down from 35). Tell yourself that you're going to take all the time you need to get it perfectly.
    Then start working, focusing on "form"
    -are you checking every rule as you write it down? Are you making sure you're reading ALL the words and not just skimming and adding your own interpretation.
    -are you going over the rules one last time to make sure they match the stimulus
    -are you looking over the rules to see if they can connect together?
    -are you taking a little time at the end of the board setup to see if you can remember, from similar games, whether there should be some kind of inference you ought to be making - see Nader's points about games being similar and the same inferences jumping out of the same setups over and over.
    -for each question, work through it calmly until you're satisfied that you've eliminated all the wrong answers and you've confirmed the correct one.

    Do the "form" exercise until you get yourself back to 100% correct - don't worry how long it takes. It's impossible to think about some of these steps when you're panicking and thinking about the clock. Only after the steps become second nature should you start worrying about the clock.
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