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50 Shades of Eileen Gray

westcoastbestcoastwestcoastbestcoast Alum Member
in General 3788 karma

Especially with September 2016's spectacular passage about Eileen Gray's work, I was wondering what strategies you guys had with dealing with difficult passages and remaining calm. I was feeling confident after the first passage, but my focus was totally shot after that passage and I let one bad passage mess up my groove.


  • desire2learndesire2learn Member
    1171 karma
    I let a bad passage mess up my groove as well (on a different administration) and the only thing I wish I did better was skip skip skip skip skip to my lou. It kills me that I didn't just move on to the next passage and come back at the end. I practiced this over and over and still blew it on test day.
    Oh well, live and learn.
  • draj0623draj0623 Alum Member
    916 karma
    I love this title. It's totally click-bait. I didn't feel too shaken up by this one. I thought it was pretty interesting and I tried to visualize what they were describing as much as possible. If you do run into one that does disrupt your momentum, seriously consider breathing deeply (it will only take 5 seconds), letting that passage go mentally (don't over think it and just skip whichever questions are giving you the most pause), and just regroup for the next set. I think practice with PTs is what helped me feel less rattled by the unfamiliarity of these subjects. Do as many PTs as possible to expose yourself to all of the range of experiences you might have to suffer through during the real test. That would be my best advice generally since this can also happen during the games section as well.
  • westcoastbestcoastwestcoastbestcoast Alum Member
    3788 karma
    @desire2learn I was good at skipping in practice, but not in the actual test date either :( @draj0623 , if the passage as a whole is giving you pause, would it be better to just skip the passage altogether and just revisit. During my take, I do recall that I did 5 deep breaths while reading the passage, but I was stumped and frozen. I couldn't decide whether I should've skipped that passage entirely or just move onto to the next paragraph.
  • draj0623draj0623 Alum Member
    916 karma
    @westcoastbestcoast said:
    if the passage as a whole is giving you pause, would it be better to just skip the passage altogether and just revisit. During my take, I do recall that I did 5 deep breaths while reading the passage, but I was stumped and frozen. I couldn't decide whether I should've skipped that passage entirely or just move onto to the next paragraph.
    I feel like I would have skipped the whole passage if it was just tough to get through. I normally don't advise doing this but I feel like sometimes you just need to move on and come back to it later. I felt like during the exam Mr. Sniffles next to me disrupted my thought process a few times and when it becomes so problematic that you have no idea what you're doing, skip and come back. I think fresh eyes are so helpful for this. It does suck to have to do it on an RC passage but I truly believe you'll make up time you would have sunk and the second time through should be less rattling. It's easy to say and tougher to do in practice. I feel you on that but best of luck if you are aiming for December! I'll likely be right there with you hoping I don't get another proctor wearing flipflops or be seated next to Mr. Sniffles.
  • DEC_LSATDEC_LSAT Alum Member
    edited October 2016 760 karma
    @draj0623 @westcoastbestcoast guys, out of curiosity what is Gray passage everyone is talking about? what category and why was it so difficult? I am so curious!
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