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need help!

charles27charles27 Alum Member
edited October 2016 in General 136 karma
Hey guys! This is my first time posting here I've been watching the game videos for awhile now but just signed up for the course. So happy I did! This community is amazing! So have few questions. 1. I've been studying on and off now for good few months now and I'm planning on taking December my first diagnostic I got a 149 and since then my top score has been a 157 that was about 2-3 months ago. When I do untimed LR I usually 1-2 wrong timed like 4-6 . My LG is where i was lacking a lot been drilling that a lot and definitely getting better (especially bec of the videos) and my RC untimed usually pretty good but timed I'm in trouble. So my question is how should I go about studying the next month and a half. And specifically how should I be studying for the LG and also how does the BR work for the LG. Thanks so much!!


  • Wind-Up BirdWind-Up Bird Alum Member
    284 karma
    Hi! Welcome to 7Sage :)

    It's good to hear that your BR has been going well. Usually, a BR score that's much higher than a timed score would indicate that you're pretty comfortable with the curriculum, but there's something about timed conditions that's preventing you from applying that knowledge. Continuously completing preptests under timed conditions will help you bridge that gap, but importantly, you should be looking specifically at why you missed a particular question under timed conditions but you were able to answer it correctly in the BR. For example, did you get the question down to two answer choices, and you perhaps half-heartedly eliminated one of the two choices and moved on?

    I'm not sure what your LG scores have been like, but if you're planning to write it in December, I would highly advise you to make sure that completing LGs is like second-nature to you. Chances are, a sequencing, grouping, or hybrid game similar to the ones you've completed in past PTs will show up on your actual test, and you want to make sure that you're well-equipped to tackle any LG type. My strategy for BRing LGs involved completely redoing games I wasn't 100% comfortable completing during my timed run (e.g. I had to skip it or I got a bunch of questions wrong on a particular game). If I made a careless error on a LG, I wouldn't worry too much about re-doing the entire game, and I'd usually just re-do that particular question and find out what went wrong (e.g. I misread the answer choice or question).

    Best of luck on your studies!
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    Bumping this so more people see it since it's now on page 2!
  • Nanchito-1-1Nanchito-1-1 Alum Member
    1762 karma
    Month and a half is not much time. If I were you id focus on lg because you get huge gains in the least amount of time. Otherwise postpone till youre constantly hitting your target.
  • jknaufjknauf Alum Member
    1741 karma
    Yeah definitely what @nanchito said. I think the most important idea to keep in mind when reviewing LG is being able to rule out why other answer choices are wrong. If you can't rule one out, that should set off a little alarm in your head. For example, think "Ok, I've narrowed it down to A and E, but I can't rule out A, nor can I rule out E. I must have missed an inference, or my setup must be wrong"

    Best of luck!
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @nanchito said:
    Month and a half is not much time. If I were you id focus on lg because you get huge gains in the least amount of time. Otherwise postpone till youre constantly hitting your target.
    I agree. Personally, I would postpone. Chances are you won't be ready and will need more time. Give yourself and the test due respect and take at a later date when you've time time to prep.

    However, if you don't want to do that, I would go for LG. The analytical reasoning section is the section that most students find the biggest improvement on the fastest. You just need to fool proof the games and make sure you have your conditional logic down cold.

    On my diagnostic, I think I missed 18 points on LG alone. With about 4 weeks of using 7Sage and LGB, I got my score down to about -5/-6. So even someone who was horrible at games was able to make massive improvements through repetition in a short amount of time.
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