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Spreading out studying

LsatbreakingnewsLsatbreakingnews Alum Member
edited October 2016 in General 392 karma
Hi guys, so I have decided to put off my LSAT date until next september so I can focus on my last semesters of school. However, I want to continue to do logic games so that I wont have to restart studying when I finish my degree (April). I have the cambridge packets and was wondering if it would be a good idea to spread them out between January - April. There are 152 games games which would mean that I do around 10 games a week. Would this be an efficient way to study? Maybe do 3 games, redo them the next day and repeat?


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @Euthyphro ,

    I'm happy to hear you're putting your school studies first! You can always prep for the LSAT after college, so great thinking there.

    I don't see any major issues with spreading out your studying of LG like that. Just make sure you are fool-proofing the games too, rather than just doing them for the sake of getting them done. I also am using the Cambridge Packets, (PTs 1-38) are you referring to doing all the packets between now and April (meaning for LR/RC & LG?)

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