Proctors: Middle of the road. Good but not great. Firm but not too strict.
Facilities: Plenty of room. Lighting could have been a little brighter. Temperature was fine. Chairs were reasonably comfy.
What kind of room: Large gathering room located in their Alumni Center which is just off campus.
How many in the room: We had about 25 but it could have easily accomodated several more.
Desks: Long skinny rectangles. Sadly, the surface was textured. Come on La Sierra.
Left-handed accommodation: Not needed with their setup.
Noise levels: Very quiet.
Parking: Plentiful and close. No sticker or permit needed.
Time elapsed from arrival to test: About half an hour.
Irregularities or mishaps: For some reason the proctor took about 3 seconds between sections 4 and 5 after she had moved at a much more normal pace on all the other change-overs. Watch reset had to happen super fast on that one.
Other comments: Bathroom facilities were decent and accomodated an appropriate number of people for the number who were taking the exam (which was NOT the case at my previous LSAT location).
Would you take the test here again? Yes
Date[s] of Exam[s]: December 5, 2016