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What exactly is BR?

julsnet2julsnet2 Member
in General 72 karma
JYs method for blind review is pretty much circle questions that you are not sure about while PTing and then answer them after you do the test.

What I do is instead of going through ONLY those circled questions, I gloss through the entire test because for instance there are many questions where I am confident in the right answer but not exactly sure why a wrong answer is wrong or something, and im not trying to deliberate mid timed test whether or not i have a valid enough reason to circle this question later. Is going through the entire test a good way of BR? I am assuming JY doesnt mention doing this simply because it takes way more time rather than simply going through the circled answers.


  • SeriousbirdSeriousbird Alum Member
    1278 karma
    So BR is that yes, you go through the questions you circled untimed, but instead of going through the answers and choosing only the correct answer you also write up an explanation for each answer choice as to why the incorrect ones are wrong and the correct one is correct. After you blind review you should check your answers and if you had any overconfidance errors (i.e. you felt confidant in your answer and it was wrong) you should try to rethink your approach and why you felt confidant about that particular answer choice.

    I have been going through the entire test and writing out explanations for each answer choice for LR and redoing LG and RC untimed. I have been advised to do the questions I got wrong first and then do the entire test. I find this methodology to be really great at reinforcing and improving your reasoning skills.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @sweetsecret explained that pretty well @julsnet2 :)
  • MrSamIamMrSamIam Inactive ⭐
    2086 karma
    @sweetsecret This is a solid explanation. @"Alex Divine" Agreed!

    As a rule of thumb, if you were not 100% sure why the correct answer was correct, or why all 4 wrong answers were wrong, that warrants circling and reviewing the question.
    Disclaimer: You don't actually have to be 100% sure...pick a number that works for you. For me, that number was 95%+
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