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Character and Fitness Section

Hi everyone,

I sent in my applications a couple weeks ago but I have a question/concern that I am sort of freaking out about. I have gotten a few parking citations from the parking patrol at my university for parking without a pass. Was I supposed to include that in my applications? I did not because I assumed those questions were meant for more serious issues like academic suspension/probation etc. Let me know if any of you have any experience with this - I am stressing out!!!


  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    You're most likely ok. Some schools do ask that you disclose even minor traffic violations, but I don't think I've seen one that asked for parking tickets. (Feel free to correct me on that if I'm wrong, 7sagers!) It generally varies by each school though, so just thoroughly read the directions. Or, you could e-mail the admissions office to ask for clarification if you really want to.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited January 2018 23929 karma

    @"zona.hijazi" said:
    Hi everyone,

    I sent in my applications a couple weeks ago but I have a question/concern that I am sort of freaking out about. I have gotten a few parking citations from the parking patrol at my university for parking without a pass. Was I supposed to include that in my applications? I did not because I assumed those questions were meant for more serious issues like academic suspension/probation etc. Let me know if any of you have any experience with this - I am stressing out!!!

    First, take a deep breath! It's going to be OK!

    Absolutely no need to freak out. I don't think those are pertinent or necessary to include in your applications. Either way, double check so you have peace of mind. There's literally no need to stress over this.

  • calcal101calcal101 Alum Member
    582 karma

    As others have noted, relax. Double check and update as needed, but you're probably completely alright

  • chels.lochels.lo Member
    40 karma

    Thank you all for your responses! Ever since I submitted my apps I keep thinking about things that could have gone wrong, haha. I am going to contact the schools who were a bit more broad in their questioning. I honestly did not even think to include my parking citations until just recently when I read on one of these discussions that some people included theirs.

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