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Got a bunch of messages from another thread requesting the LG spreadsheet I use. Here's a download link for it. It has room for all of the tests, PTs 1-83.
May your Deity bless you. Thanks.
JY is my deity; 7Sage is my temple.
omggg you are literally the best. thank you thank you
How totally cool are you?? thank you dude.
Thanks, brotha! Killin the game with this one
Thanks, will def use this!
is this similar to the Pacifico spreadsheet? I've been looking for that!
After looking at the spreadsheet @akistotle linked below from the original Pacifico post, it appears this one is indeed similar. The main difference is formatting (I broke up the tabs by the LSAC's groupings) and that I included every test 1-83 whereas it looks like Pacifico's was designed with the 1-35 bundle in mind. Either should work fine though!
I'll definitely be using this when I get to foolproofing. Thanks Alex!
Thank you!
Thanks man!
Wait, you are Barack O'Drama on TLS!?!?!
From the original thread (
Yup! I am the one and only Barack O'Drama, mwaha!
Don't forget about the Superpreps, A, B, C, and C2.
Don't worry! I didn't forget, lol. I just didn't include them because I know many students don't use those Superprep tests. Also, the spreadsheet itself makes it easy to add in anything should you decide to take those superpreps.
Wow. I am so delighted with this. I was just thinking about creating a spreadsheet to track my LG times, instead of using my yellow lined notepad, but I decided that it will probably be too time consuming to create right now (because I can seriously waste time with organization, if I am not careful). Then, it dawned on me that I can check the discussion board to find out if someone on 7sage has already created a spreadsheet. I am feeling so blessed right now! Thank you for sharing @Alex