Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Score fell from 170 to 168. I was aiming for 172 by Feb. 10th. - 7Sage Forum

Score fell from 170 to 168. I was aiming for 172 by Feb. 10th.

carolynfriedhoffcarolynfriedhoff Free Trial Member

I was excited that I'd scored a 170 on PTs a few weeks ago, but instead of going higher, my score has only dropped since. I am aiming for a 171-172. I'll take the test on the 10th.

LG is typically my strongest section, RC next strongest, and LR my weakest. RC can vary widely, from -1 to -4 or -5. LR used to be my strong suit (once I scored -2 out of both sections) but I have fallen backwards.

Does anyone have advice on how to get my score back again? Part of me thinks my issue is anxiety, but studying is definitely easier for me than trying to decrease my stress.



  • pioneer321pioneer321 Free Trial Member
    328 karma

    Tbh I wouldn't even call 170 ---> 168 a true drop. LSAT has a standard error of measurement of approximately 2.7 points, so 168 and 170 are within one error band.

    For better or worse, the majority of your prep has already happened and there is not a lot of room to make any significant gains. Try to focus on how much you've accomplished in your prep, and how far you came. At the end of the day you are the person who have already scored 170, so focus on that result and believe in yourself on the test day. Good luck!

  • hawaiihihawaiihi Free Trial Member
    973 karma

    Don't worry about your worst test. You're the product of your best PT. If you did it once, you can do it again!

  • danielles61danielles61 Free Trial Member
    2 karma

    i am having the opposite issues as you! i am planning on taking on the 10th as well, however LG is my weakest point on the test, do you happen to have any pointers?

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @pioneer321 said:
    Tbh I wouldn't even call 170 ---> 168 a true drop. LSAT has a standard error of measurement of approximately 2.7 points, so 168 and 170 are within one error band.

    For better or worse, the majority of your prep has already happened and there is not a lot of room to make any significant gains. Try to focus on how much you've accomplished in your prep, and how far you came. At the end of the day you are the person who have already scored 170, so focus on that result and believe in yourself on the test day. Good luck!

    Spot on advice!

    Good luck, @carolynfriedhoff

  • OneFortyDotSixOneFortyDotSix Alum Member
    edited February 2018 634 karma

    Carolyn I'm in the EXACT same boat. I scored a 170 about 10 days ago, but haven't been able to recreate it (closest I got thereafter was a 169, in addition to a 162, which was very discouraging).

    My RC varies wildly as well (usually -2/-3 but I've seen it drop to -6 or -7). On LR on my best PT's I get -2 per section, but this has dropped to -4 or even -5, in the case of the 162. LG is usually -4, that does not vary much

    How often are you testing? Are you well rested before each PT? I found that my best PT's came after a period of some rest. The 170 was after a friend's 4-day bachelor party, during which I didn't even THINK about the LSAT. It's possible I was testing too often and it was causing fatigue...a very important consideration before Saturday. On Friday I plan to get a massage and do a game or 2 before bed (but nothing new). I'm also shooting for 170 or higher, but I know I'll have to be in the best state of mind on Saturday to achieve that.

    I was incredibly stressed a few days ago, and I took an RC and LR section and scored poorly (-5 and -4) I talked to my Dad and he echoed some of the advice others have posted here, that if I did consistently well before I can again, and that stress is likely impacting my performance. Looking back, it totally was. I was rushing, overthinking, and trying to find fault even with correct answers. I went for a swim, took a few deep breaths, and did another LR section not worrying at all about the outcome, but still keeping time, and I got -2.

    The good thing about nudging 170 on PT's is that even if we have a really bad day, it's unlikely our scores will be below 160. Having a score of say, 162 on your record next to a retest on which you score above 170 isn't going to look terrible, and it's not going to preclude you from getting into the school of your choice or getting funding. So I think the best advice for us is to chill, have confidence in the skills we've developed and the work we've done, and know that there's only the potential for upside on Saturday. We're going to do great!

    Best of luck!

  • OneFortyDotSixOneFortyDotSix Alum Member
    634 karma

    @danielles61 said:
    i am having the opposite issues as you! i am planning on taking on the 10th as well, however LG is my weakest point on the test, do you happen to have any pointers?

    Danielle have you seen this page posted by JY? https://7sage.com/how-to-get-a-perfect-score-on-the-logic-games/

    This approach helped me immensely. You still have a couple days! I just wouldn't do this on Friday

  • carolynfriedhoffcarolynfriedhoff Free Trial Member
    6 karma

    Wow, thank you everyone for the advice! @pioneer321, thank you especially for breaking the scoring down for me. It's helpful to know that I'm scoring consistently. I still find myself thinking, that even if I am the person who scored 170 on a PT, it won't matter unless I am also the one who scored 170 (or higher lol) on the real thing.

    To me, that sort of negative thinking is a red flag for stress. I think @hiyer1 was right in saying that a break is needed. Thankfully, my (accommodated) test is tomorrow, the 13th, and I have been slowing down on prep since last weekend. Hopefully that is enough.

    @danielles61, I'm sorry I didn't get to your post sooner! I hope that logic games went well for you on Saturday. If you think you may take the test again, I'd suggest the Power Score LG Bible. I am someone who needs a lot of structured practice, and the book provided more than I would've been able to invent for myself. It did a good job of getting me comfortable with each step (diagramming, deductions, understanding the answer choices) in order of difficulty, by offering drills for the different steps. Unfortunately, I didn't find 7Sage until very late in my test prep, so I don't have much experience with JY's LG prep. I found his LR prep extremely clear, if that might serve as any indicator of his work on LG.

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