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Bad weather in Lansing, MI- Test Saturday

sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
edited February 2018 in February 2018 LSAT 1501 karma

I'm scheduled for Saturday's test at MSU and starting to get nervous they will cancel it due to upcoming weather! Supposed to get 8 inches of snow tomorrow then 2 Saturday. Schools are already closing here. Will they schedule a new test date in the very near future? Totally relaxed and in a good state of mind for the test and so ready for it, but uneasy over the weather : (


  • Seeking PerfectionSeeking Perfection Alum Member
    4428 karma

    As a current MSU student I can tell you that the sidewalks are clear right now, that MSU does an excellent job clearing the roads on campus of snow, and that given the fact that the Purdue game is occurring here at 4pm, I heavilly doubt that campus will close on Saturday. They are not going to want to cancel that game.

    Drive carefully on Saturday. The roads might be nasty off campus and the last thing you want is to get in an accident, but I wouldn't expect campus to close down. That has only happened about 3 times in my 4 years here.

    That said if it got cancelled, LSAC does make up the test. I know some people from Florida whose testing centers were affected by hurricanes. They ended up being rescheduled within about 2 weeks.

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    I can't speak to the odds of it being canceled, but all I really know is that you will just have to deal with it if/when it happens. Worrying about it in advance will only serve to wind you up and has no effect on the outcome. So, I'd concentrate on taking it a day at a time. Prepare as if you will be taking it on Saturday and plan extra time to navigate bad roads. And if it's canceled, LSAC will fill you in on what you need to know.

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