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Fool Proofing

Christina-5Christina-5 Alum Member
in General 150 karma

this may be a stupid question , but I have been fool proofing games for about a month and i am up to pt 20, but i was wondering do i need to go back and do old games that i have done from the previous weeks? The way i have been doing the games are, First i start out doing the game with a stop watch record my time, then i would watch the video then do that game the next day, and if i get all the answers right after doing it under-timed condition i would move on to the next game. I do notice that i am improving and my speed is getting better but i dont want to skip a step.


  • 136 karma

    Here's how I'm fool proofing games (on PT 12 now). I work through a game untimed and score myself IF I manage to finish. I recommend watching the video next regardless of whether or not you score perfect - you can discover faster ways and more inferences possibly.

    Next, I repeat the game timed after the video with the new information in mind and score it - followed by a BR. If I don't perform under time and a perfect score, I will repeat the game until I do (while recording all score/times). Once perfected, I'm done for the day.

    I repeat this on day 2 and day 7. Even if I score perfectly on day 2 in the first try I repeat on day 7 just in case the time from day 1-2 wasn't enough of a gap to truly test my understanding of the game.

    So essentially it's day 1,2,7 for every PT for me. The only differences between days is the first attempt on day one is untimed to allow myself to really take my time with the game.

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma

    @"Christina-5" said:
    this may be a stupid question , but I have been fool proofing games for about a month and i am up to pt 20, but i was wondering do i need to go back and do old games that i have done from the previous weeks?

    If you find that a certain game gave you trouble, even after attempting it the next day, you want to do it a week from now and then a month from now. This gives your brain time to forget any inferences you may have memorized and check for mastery.

    The way i have been doing the games are, First i start out doing the game with a stop watch record my time, then i would watch the video then do that game the next day,

    Try doing the same game that day, multiple times if needed, until you get it right before also doing it the next day.

  • Christina-5Christina-5 Alum Member
    150 karma

    @Sami and @"Mindful Monkey" thank you so much. I will definitely go back and redo all the games i had trouble with and i will try out both your methods to see which one works for me so that ways i can start doing it with my current games.

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    3679 karma

    I am taking the process slowly because my timeline is quite long so I spend one week working on four games from one test. I usually master 4 games throughout the early part of the week and then several days later I redo all the tests to make sure the process is solidified in my head. By waiting almost a week to redo them I make sure I really know the steps and process before moving on.

    As everyone else stated, I think its helpful to redo them a few days later to make sure its truly learned.

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