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Why do you want to be a lawyer?



  • ElleWoods77ElleWoods77 Alum Member
    edited September 2017 1184 karma

    @kshutes13 said:

    @ElleWoods77 said:
    Nice to meet another fellow Canadian on here :). I took a restorative justice class and I must say I really respect what you intend to do. First Nations people and other marginalized groups are horribly treated and it is amazing that you want to advocate for them.

    Nice to meet another Canadian too - and thank you for the kind words!! :) It's interesting because a lot of my American friends think that they are the one with the problem and that Canada is a land of peace, love & rainbows - lo and behold, our treatment of First Nations is abhorrent as well!

    No problem :smile: Tell me about it I live in Texas and everybody thinks there is no institutionalized racism and everybody is so nice to each other. Canada may be progressive as a country, but we still have far to go.

  • Bevs ScooterMinionBevs ScooterMinion Alum Member
    edited September 2017 1018 karma

    I'm going to law school because I like to argue. I mean that in all seriousness. And I'm right a LOT of the time (not trying to be pretentious, but because I get my facts straight first)--the fun part is when people don't like that I'm right about certain issues. Law school will help me perfect my argumentation to be tighter than a duck's bottom.

    How you like me now!? (Not you all here, but that's what I REALLY want to say when I pass the bar exams in a couple of states.)

    Tie this motivation in with representing the disabled (and I'm disabled) = BOOYAH. Fighting is in mah blood. I can't avoid it so I embrace the hell out of it! :smiley:

    I've actually heard the devil say when my feet hit the ground in the morning: 'oh crap, she's up.'
    --insert maniacal laughter track--

  • lTexlawzlTexlawz Free Trial Member
    277 karma

    My dream is be a district attorney and go after criminals to prosecute them. I don't plan on ever retiring. My journey is worth it. I would make the criminals afraid to face me in court. I would work tirelessly put the bad guys in jail. I will work stay a lawyer all my life and passionate about the law.

  • westcoastbestcoastwestcoastbestcoast Alum Member
    3788 karma

    @LSATSniper said:
    My dream is be a district attorney and go after criminals to prosecute them. I don't plan on ever retiring. My journey is worth it. I would make the criminals afraid to face me in court. I would work tirelessly put the bad guys in jail. I will work stay a lawyer all my life and passionate about the law.

    We need more lawyers like you. More attornies in it for the passion and just the $$$

  • LSAT_WreckerLSAT_Wrecker Member
    4850 karma

    I want to be a lawyer because I saw a really good lawyer on TV called Matt Murdock. Hoping to learn how to do what he does in law school.

  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    2689 karma

    +1 interested in labor law. I have seen and experienced enough that it makes me interested in that path. Will it ultimately be where I go? No idea. But it's something I definitely want to look into.

  • Habeas PorpoiseHabeas Porpoise Alum Member Sage
    edited February 2018 1866 karma

    I'm leaning towards something that combines international/cross-border work with corporate law since I have experience abroad and did my undergrad in Economics. Since I'm also interested in aspects of criminal law, international white-collar crimes would be ideal, but that's incredibly specific and based off of my limited knowledge of law school and legal careers, so we'll see.

    Beyond that, law only came up after I was looking through the GRE, GMAT, and LSAT during my sophomore year of university. I found that I genuinely enjoyed trying to solve the problems on the LSAT and that got me curious about law school. As an avid reader I spend almost all of my disposable income on books, plus I enjoy writing, so with more research law seemed like a fitting career choice. Since then I've run into more lawyers and had the chance to work on international contracts at my last internship, which helped solidify my interests.

  • MsMazamaMsMazama Alum Member
    154 karma

    I want to work in criminal defense with a focus of representing defendants with mental illness. I'm interested in how mental health courts are proliferating and according to my research, they appear to be effective in reducing recidivism. Incarcerating people with severe and persistent mental illness fails to serve anyone's interests. I want to work directly with defendants and also in criminal justice reform. Lawyers aren't typically known for their compassion, but I would love to see that play a greater role in the justice system. I don't know if trauma-informed practice is a thing, but it should be. Nobody benefits from putting sick people in cages.

  • LSAT_WreckerLSAT_Wrecker Member
    4850 karma

    @MsMazama , you and I have the same passion / desire for our legal careers. My wife works in community mental health so I hear about lots of issues. There are a significant structural issues within our legal system for people with mental illness, drug addiction, and co-occurring issues. I'm starting to volunteer as a mentor in a veteran's drug court next week and am looking to get a closer view into the system. I just picked up "Crazy" by Pete Early who looks in depth at this from a mentally ill patient's father's point of view. Heard him speak at a local presentation and it was insightful.

  • MsMazamaMsMazama Alum Member
    154 karma

    @mstng9878 It's great to connect with another person who wants to make a difference in this area. We need more lawyers who understand this subject, and unfortunately it's a problem that will continue to grow. It's awesome that you're volunteering. That's a great opportunity to really help people who are struggling. Thanks for the book recommendation. I'll check it out. Best of luck to you!

  • edited February 2018 2 karma

    I’ve wanted to be a lawyer since I was nine. I have my ABA paralegal certification. I work in the legal department at a software company. I’ve worked in corporate law for thirteen years with a focus on contract negotiation, drafting, administration, legal compliance and litigation management. I love what I do. I really enjoy corporate and contract law. I love how one word changes the entire intent and application of a clause. Drafting responses and forming my points and argument is fun! My supervising attorney has also encouraged me to go back to school for my JD. I still enjoy what I do after being in this field for thirteen years. I have zero doubts that becoming a lawyer is the next step in my career.

  • westcoastbestcoastwestcoastbestcoast Alum Member
    3788 karma

    @NicWhatHaveIDone34 said:
    I’ve wanted to be a lawyer since I was nine. I have my ABA paralegal certification. I work in the legal department at a software company. I’ve worked in corporate law for thirteen years with a focus on contract negotiation, drafting, administration, legal compliance and litigation management. I love what I do. I really enjoy corporate and contract law. I love how one word changes the entire intent and application of a clause. Drafting responses and forming my points and argument is fun! My supervising attorney has also encouraged me to go back to school for my JD. I still enjoy what I do after being in this field for thirteen years. I have zero doubts that becoming a lawyer is the next step in my career.

    If its not personal, which software company are you working for?

  • JenJernstedtJenJernstedt Alum Member
    142 karma

    I like to read, write, and win :D

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    3679 karma

    @JenJernstedt said:
    I like to read, write, and win :D

    haha! same here!

  • holylsatholylsat Alum Member
    38 karma

    Labor and employment law is what I'm super interested in as well. Eventually, I also want to do research in law and economics (of course related to labor regulations haha). Trying to find better policies, helping in the crafting of more efficient regulations is one of my dreams.

  • ruddyorebruddyoreb Free Trial Member
    3 karma

    Because I know that with my help the truth will triumph.

  • XanderJohnXanderJohn Core Member
    32 karma

    My interest in law began in high school, as a result of taking part in several mock court competitions. But fundamentally, I want to be in a position to help people. I am also interested in using the law as a vehicle to advance the broader progressive movement. I hope that working in law will allow me to help individuals and also to advance political change.

  • Lizardking-1Lizardking-1 Member
    edited January 2022 364 karma

    I'm into the reverse Robin-Hood vibe; rob the poor to feed the rich. This ethos fuels me. Props to all of those altruistic-y, world-improvement types, but there needs to be some Yin to the Yang. #AynRand

  • AMG.AMG. Free Trial Member
    edited January 2022 3 karma

    Im interested in being a criminal defense lawyer, because i have always had a drive to help people. I also really enjoy arguing a case. I currently work at a law office and within my time being here i have began to understand more things about the legal system which has driven me even more into wanting to practice law.

  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28066 karma

    Well this is an interesting thread to be coming back up now that I’m one semester from graduation.

    @"Cant Get Right" said:
    Like Alex, I don't want to be a lawyer. I think I'll be a very effective one though, and if I apply myself in the right direction, I think I can help people, maybe even large populations if I can affect policy. If I were doing what I wanted, things would be pretty different, lol. Legal work itself seems very tedious and boring to me and I don't think I'll enjoy it at all.

    Two truths and a lie.

  • Margin WalkerMargin Walker Core Member
    2 karma

    Now that I'm well into my 30s, I've realized that I simply cannot spend the rest of my working years doing something that doesn't align with my values. Right now, I work in marketing and am very unhappy. I've wanted to become a lawyer for a very long time with the sole intention of becoming a public defender. I want to be a voice for people who are routinely and systematically mistreated by police, prosecutors, and a general public that would rather throw them into cages than actually solve their problems. This kind of work will allow me to spend my time helping people who need it instead of helping people who already have everything.

  • LegallyIdaLegallyIda Member
    10 karma

    I want to be a elder law/estate planning attorney. Taking care of my grandmother with dementia made me realize how vulnerable the elderly population is to being abused, having their assets mismanaged, and having poor end-of-life care. Fortunately we have been able to take care of my grandmother at home, but many elderly people are thrown into nursing homes and forgotten about. I want to be able to advocate for their rights.

  • JJFutureLawyer-1-1-1JJFutureLawyer-1-1-1 Core Member
    34 karma

    Because I want to help people but not only individually. I want to be the Hispanic RBG and make amendment changes

  • IcePrincessIcePrincess Alum Member
    71 karma

    I want to help people. I want to exonerate wrongly convicted people. I want to help them and their families try to get back to normal or at least try to start over again.

  • ritzhecgritzhecg Member
    8 karma

    I'm intending to go into Native American law. Studying archaeology, especially the history of colonialism and artifact/sacred object theft, has shown me the true picture of the continued discrimination and deprivation that indigenous peoples face in this country, and I feel as if I could apply my interest in archaeology and indigenous matters more usefully in making a difference.

  • 10 karma

    I’ve worked as a paralegal for about four years now, and I really enjoy it. When I’m at work I can actually freely exercise my pedantic, argumentative, overly analytical side. Most people find those tendencies of mine obnoxious, so I try to suppress them when around family and friends. But at work those tendencies are actually incredibly useful.

    And I’d like to be a fantastic advocate for people who need an advocate. I’ve seen how important it is for folks to hire a good lawyer when they’ve got legal woes. It can be life-changing.

    Also, law is fun. I want to do more of the stuff that lawyers do. In other words, I want to keep doing the fun stuff I’m doing now (research, analysis, etc.), while doing less of the boring secretarial stuff.

  • khaldiaprostatekhaldiaprostate Free Trial Member
    3 karma

    Do you often use the services of lawyers?

  • KaballundKaballund Free Trial Member
    edited May 2022 2 karma

    Lawyers today are some of the most in-demand specialists in the labour market. Because every day, people enter into relationships with each other regulated by law. Many people allow others to violate their rights because they are unaware of them. For a long time, I worked as a telephone counsellor. My employer was in no hurry to change the equipment and change anything. Because of his economy, I fell out of my chair badly and dislocated my arm. These guys, helped me get compensation; my boss didn't want to pay it.

  • Criminal defense is my passion. I think the media and public sometimes forget that we are innocent until proven guilty.

  • 0_GnowKMA_00_GnowKMA_0 Alum Member
    5 karma

    @Mellow_Z said:
    I've always dreamed of having a solid excuse for becoming an alcoholic, and this career path lines up with that dream nicely.

    On topic, you are honestly the first person I've ever met with any sort of drive or passion for labor laws haha, I imagine you will be fairly successful since you have that going for you!

    I know someone going to Columbia who is becoming a lawyer to justify his cocaine addiction, so you're not alone... as far as justifying alcoholism and drug use though, being a writer works too (Hemingway, formerly Stephen King, etc.).

  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28066 karma

    Criminal defense is my passion. I think the media and public sometimes forget that we are innocent until proven guilty.

    Unfortunately, this is incorrect. We are innocent until proven guilty OR until we plea guilty. And 95% of criminal charges end not in a jury verdict but in a guilty plea and waiver of right to trial. So if you’re wanting to go into criminal defense, just get ready for it. It is not for the faint of heart, especially if you’re passionate about criminal defense. It’s hard out there.

  • RonnyChustzRonnyChustz Free Trial Member
    edited June 2022 2 karma

    A lawyer is a defender who is always on the side of an ordinary person. This is hard work, while the activity of a lawyer is quite dynamic, creative, and automated. Before entering the Faculty of Law, I understood what awaited me there. Probably every student has a reason why they chose this path. Once my family was helped by one of the best lawyers Then I realized I wanted to help people seek justice using the law. It's worth my sleep deprivation, stress, heartburn, and everything else. It would help if you remembered why you started this path, and then it will be easier for you to cope with difficulties.

  • smollbeansmollbean Core Member
    edited December 2024 16 karma


  • Ashley GarciaAshley Garcia Live Member
    14 karma

    As for me i am interested in the law field because i want to know how the justice system works in general and how everyday laws are being made and how they are being worked on. As a current Undergraduate student i have and will continue to take many law classes with my minor in Legal Studies. this past semester i took Media Law and the skills that i have gained from that class such as briefing cases, knowing how to write reports over on films that we would watch and analyze and critique certain situations such as defamation etc has been quite very useful for me and am proud to be taking these skills with me to law school. Another thing also as to having a part time job in retail up to almost for 5 years working in retail has gained my interests in corporate law/ transactional law as to how businesses negotiate in many ways and how they come up with resolutions is something that interests me to later study for in the law school. i am very excited to start my legal journey soon!

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