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Updating Schools with Feb score

calcal101calcal101 Alum Member
in General 582 karma

Hi all,

I have two related questions.

First, I just got my LSAT score last night and finally broke the 99th percentile! Third time's a charm, so RETAKE and trust the 7Sage method because it works. Anyway, I haven't heard from a few schools yet, though I haven't had them hold my application. Is it weird to email these schools to let them know that a new score is coming, or should I just let LSAC send the score and wait it out? I have not submitted LOCI to these schools (they're T6, so I'm at no risk of being yield protected).

Second, one of my top choices has already admitted me and offered me a scholarship. In the award letter, they note that they're done with scholarship evaluation for me…but now I'm a more appealing candidate (score went up a few points). Do you think I should start pushing here, or should I wait until later in March? I love this school but it's still too expensive


  • Seeking PerfectionSeeking Perfection Alum Member
    4428 karma

    I'd email the places to let them know the good score is coming. They'll notice anyway, but you might as well make them feel like you went out and got the high score just to please them.

    As far as whether to negotiate now or in a few weeks, I'm not sure. You might want to wait to see if you get any new offers you can use to help negotiate with out of the higher score.

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