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February test done!

Marie4lawschoolMarie4lawschool Alum Member
in General 359 karma
Well, LSAT over and today was my last LSAT day EVER as I've already been accepted to what is probably my #1 law school choice, taking all factors into consideration. Remembering the LSAC/7Sage rules of confidentiality, how did it go for fellow 7Sagers? I felt it went okay though it will make a difference which turns out to be the experimental section as one went better for me than the other. Cockroaches in my hotel room last night didn't help me get a relaxed night's sleep but the test center did a really good job - efficient and pleasant. Hope you all did yourself proud :-)


  • bonjoursmbonjoursm Alum Member
    edited February 2015 181 karma
    I think section 1 was the experimental, judging by comments on reddit
  • Marie4lawschoolMarie4lawschool Alum Member
    359 karma
    Wrong answer for me... Oh well, it's over.
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    not everyone has the same order or experimental
  • hrjones44hrjones44 Alum Member
    323 karma
    reading comp was brutal i felt good about all except that, and i had three LR sections.... i hope that reading comp, which is usually my best section, i hope it didnt decimate my score

  • Student76Student76 Alum Member
    324 karma
    Agree about rc!
  • Nilesh SNilesh S Alum Inactive ⭐
    3438 karma
    Congrats to all the Feb takers... you all deserve a martini (or milkshake for those who don't drink) for having gone thru this ordeal!!! Hope you all get the score you want!!!
  • SapphireSapphire Alum Member
    289 karma
    i think i raped that exam! im so happy that its over. i was shocked however when they gave me 5 sections plus a writing section. I never practiced with five sections before so i thought it was going to be bad, but it was great! i was give 2 lgs so i was a little on edge, but i think i got it all in the bag. BOOM!
  • hrjones44hrjones44 Alum Member
    323 karma
    that RC was so hard i could cry!
  • laila.ayublaila.ayub Free Trial Member
    45 karma
    Omg, had a cockroach land ON MY DESK during the test. Guess this was the LSAT of cockroaches but so glad it's done.
  • shane.mcglashenshane.mcglashen Alum Member
    199 karma
    haha that last RC passage, oy vey
  • meowcat666meowcat666 Alum Member
    edited February 2015 11 karma
  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    2116 karma
    I'm a first time taker. Is it normal to feel like you have absolutely no idea how you did?
  • hrjones44hrjones44 Alum Member
    323 karma
    meow cat what do u think it means , i thought the same
  • meowcat666meowcat666 Alum Member
    edited February 2015 11 karma
  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    @ddakjiking totally normal to feel like you have absolutely no idea!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Free Trial
    578 karma
    How did you get accepted to your #1 choice before taking the lsat? I thought lsat is 80% of the admission decision. Unless you never have taken the lsat before lol
  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    She wrote the previous December 2014 LSAT I believe. Or September! @royaimani.
  • naveedhalavinaveedhalavi Alum Member
    124 karma
    I got 3 LR sections... that RC decimated me... especially the last passage... the LG seemed easy enough, nothing super suprising on there... was considering canceling before... but at this point... fuck it... whatever happens happens... gonna take a week off and study for june's exam though since i'm applying for next year anyway
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Free Trial
    edited February 2015 578 karma
    @HarrisMegan i don't see that but if that's the case then it makes a lot more sense
  • hrjones44hrjones44 Alum Member
    323 karma
    thats how i feel naveed, and meow ur probably right too bad i cant remember which section!
  • alexroark5alexroark5 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    edited February 2015 812 karma
    haha @shane.mcglashen

    I guess you could say that passage owned you? or you were owned by no one else except that passage which means that passage was by process of elimination your owner?

    haha yeah RC was challenging, as usually is the case for me
  • laila.ayublaila.ayub Free Trial Member
    45 karma
    So my testing center ended up making me more stressed than the test itself..they let in someone without a photo! But agreed, not entirely sure how I did, but looking back I don't think I could predict how well I did even on my best practice test. I'm sure you all did great, you all prepared well!
  • bwrc1992bwrc1992 Alum Member
    edited February 2015 58 karma
    ugh. i had 3 LR sections.. the first one felt ridiculous. it was really tough, where as the other two felt familiar. i mean, it was a demoralizing start but i recovered after crushing games !

    reading comp was of course difficult, but the curve sounds like it will be forgiving as a result

    lol, games. easy peasy. i could hear JY walking me through it in my head.

    i really don't know which section was the experimental section. i'm confident i did really well on 2/3, but that first one. oh boy, was it ever tough.

    good luck everyone
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Free Trial
    578 karma
    @lailla why does it stress you out that they let someone in without photo?
  • pritisharmapritisharma Alum Member
    477 karma
    I could not complete the game section in time although it was not particularly tough, but that section has been a hit or miss for me (timing wise). Timing with games has always been an issue I hope I make it though.
  • andrei700andrei700 Free Trial Member
    17 karma
    congrats to all test takers today!
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    Congrats!! Hopefully you'll get more scholarship money!!
  • suppalsuppal Alum Member
    8 karma
    I got two reading comprehension sections, the first one I found relatively easy, and the second one I found considerably more difficult. I am really hoping the difficult one was the experimental section, but I have a feeling that the easier one was more likely to be the experimental section :(
  • juejglennjuejglenn Alum Member
    6 karma
    I also had two reading comprehension sections. I really hope the harder one is the experimental section. I am going to be praying until the results come out lol.
  • helloitsdianahelloitsdiana Alum Member
    67 karma
    Ahh logic games were so easy but I know I messed one up! I'm so mad at myself because I've done so many logic games but due to nerves I missed a rule and I got entirely a whole game wrong for sure! Ahh well there is always a next time! Good luck everyone!
  • laila.ayublaila.ayub Free Trial Member
    edited February 2015 45 karma
    Indication of how unorganized it was. Maybe it's cause I've taken it before but they didn't even actually check us in, people were drinking coffee during the test. They fudged timing. We were about to begin the actual test and they noticed someone didn't have a photo attached to their ticket. (And he sat through the entire test so if he doesn't get score that sucks for him, even if it his his fault) Just the fact that they didn't know what was up makes me worried they'll mix up our tests or something and it'll take longer to get scores. I could just be weird about sticking to rules but really I've heard of people getting turned around before so it all just put me off.
  • Nilesh SNilesh S Alum Inactive ⭐
    3438 karma
    @pritisharma don't worry... I gave the December 14 test, didn't finish the last reading passage coz I ran out of time and still ended up with a high 160s score... rarely is a test ever perfect... if the rest of the sections have gone ok, you'll do just fine!!!
  • shane.mcglashenshane.mcglashen Alum Member
    199 karma
    haha @alexroark5 way to literally include me back in the passage I so despised!! jerk
  • naveedhalavinaveedhalavi Alum Member
    124 karma
    @bwrc1992 Same here! i had three LR sections it felt the same way... my section one was bruuuutal, and the 2nd and 3rd one was more familiar in terms of following the pattern of how usual preptests follow in terms of difficulty.
  • Marie4lawschoolMarie4lawschool Alum Member
    359 karma
    @royaimani As harrismegan says, I took the LSAT before and interpret his 'or' as the inclusive or - this was my 3rd (and final!) LSAT. I didn't expect to get a law school acceptance before taking the February test, but it was nice to have that assurance in hand for yesterday's test.
  • bwrc1992bwrc1992 Alum Member
    58 karma
    @naveedhalavi brutal is the perfect way to describe it. it took me almost 20 minutes to do the first 12 and then i went to the end of the section and worked inwards. i was looking for some easier questions to get into a grove. i found the other two LRs to be fair. there were a few hard questions but it over all they went so well. i'll either have done really well or pretty poorly. ughhhhhh
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    hope every1 killed it!
  • Matt1234567Matt1234567 Inactive ⭐
    1294 karma
    I had the same pattern as all those others who had 3 LR section. First one = mind f***. I got the rhythm down for the other two because they seemed much more familiar.
  • Ben SchnellBen Schnell Alum Member
    54 karma
    I had the same pattern as everyone (so far) that did two reading comps. The first one was actually one of the easier RCs ive had, and the science passage, which is normally my worst, was quite easy on that one. The second set of passages was tough for me. The rest of the test went great! The games were super easy, I heard JY in my head the whole time, and I finished each LR with time to review which never really happens

    Congrats to everyone who wrote!
  • Marie4lawschoolMarie4lawschool Alum Member
    359 karma
    My test center was so sweet. At the end when we trooped outside they had refreshments for all the test takers (and, of course, they were handing out info on their law school at the same time!).
  • naveedhalavinaveedhalavi Alum Member
    124 karma
    @bwrc1992 same exact thing here on the timing... it totally messed up my rhythm as well for the other sections because i just kept doubting myself throughout the exam... it was a confidence killer for sure... realllly hoping that first one was the experimental... otherwise i'm gonna have to study more brutal questions for next time just in case that happens on the june exam
  • tsamvelyantsamvelyan Alum Member
    edited February 2015 431 karma
    Definitely had a much better experience than on the December test. Thank God. The test center was great, the proctors were awesome. I just hope I did okay. One of the games was time consuming and another one was so open ended I struggled with timing. Reading comp has always been my weak spot so no surprises there and LR was okay I thought.
  • MichaelsMichaels Free Trial Member
    14 karma
    TLS is predicting a -8 to -10 curve. I had LR- LG- LR- LR- RC

    Normally I would despise a LR experimental but the real LG were so easy. I misread a rule in the 4th game and had to redo the questions and still had like 9 minutes left over.

    The hardest LR for me (taken in Canada) I believe was the second one, which is confirmed to be the real one. I found them pretty good, some hard questions but nothing out of the ordinary.

    Then when I got to my last section, RC, holy mother of God. The passages on Quantum Mechanics and Dark Matter/ Property Ownership were beyond brutal. One of the hardest RC sections I've seen. Definitely will determine the curve.

    I got a low 160s score on my second write and hope to have hit mid-high 160s on this one but that RC... damn.

    Overall the test was definitely easier than September and December. This was my 3rd and final retake and I just spent the time throwing out all my LSAT materials. Had huge stacks of LSAT tests that covered half my room. Feels good to be done with it all.

    I will still keep updated with this test though since I find it engaging and a good mental exercise. I want to take it again for fun in the future. Less stress since I will not be taking it for the purposes of getting into law school haha.

  • bwrc1992bwrc1992 Alum Member
    58 karma
    @Matt1234567, the timing on that first section was so off for me. i got to question 12 after 17 mins, and i consistently get them done under 10. the other two sections were a breeze throughout. i dont know though, it may have been my nerves but when comparing the complete difficulty levels it makes sense that the first one is experimental. only time will tell i guess
  • Ben SchnellBen Schnell Alum Member
    54 karma

    I hear you about the RC. Its one of the hardest Ive seen in any test. I was extremely disappointed when I learned that that, and not my experimental, was the real one.
    More importantly, congrats on being done, and I hope the score is as you desire!
  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    3545 karma
    Is anyone else excited that we won't know? Like, I'm so happy to not know what the curve is going to be or which section was the experimental. I feel like, if I have to retake it, it would just ruin my confidence when it comes to Round 2 haha
  • Marie4lawschoolMarie4lawschool Alum Member
    359 karma
    @blah170blah I'm happy that February is an undisclosed test otherwise I know I'd spend time obsessing over every question I missed and doing what if scenarios about the experimental section that didn't count towards my score. As it was my last LSAT ever, nice to know I won't be going through that personally-fruitless exercise!

    Separately, don't let anything ruin your confidence! Keep picturing yourself at a great law school X months from now and posting FB photos of you with your new 1L buddies!
  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    3545 karma
    @Marie4lawschool I'm so glad we're in the same boat. I know that if February was disclosed I would kick myself in the face for all the dumb mistakes I know I inevitably made and obsess about the small things without looking at the big picture that is the LSAT.

    Enjoy 1Q84! If I could pick one author to describe my post-grad experience, it'd be Murakami. He speaks to me haha
  • SirERPalotSirERPalot Alum Member
    9 karma
    I'm relieved it's over but I'm pretty sure I scored poorly. I had a proctor standing over my desk the entire test and I am not exaggerating. I am not trying to use it as an excuse but DAMN!!! IS THAT REALLY NECESSARY??????
  • Marie4lawschoolMarie4lawschool Alum Member
    edited February 2015 359 karma
    @SirERPalot I sat at the end of the back row in the test room for the September LSAT and the same kept happening to me. Where I was sitting seemed to be the favorite stop-and-stare spot for a particular proctor. Like you, I found it distracting. I know that nothing should distract you during the LSAT but just saying that doesn't make it come true.

    All I can offer is what I did when I took the LSAT again - use your non-writing hand like the peak of a cap on your forehead above your eyes to block off your peripheral vision, and don't allow yourself to look up at the proctor. Not a perfect solution but it did improve my focus. Maybe others will have something better to offer...
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