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Any Law School News



  • Radhika.Radhika. Member
    214 karma

    clearly don't remember how long snail mail takes lol

  • mcglz_64mcglz_64 Alum Member
    891 karma

    which law schools send out their decisions by post? I keep checking my email but remind myself that some schools will also call.

  • Kade KatrakKade Katrak Core Member
    4428 karma

    @westcoastbestcoast said:

    @"Seeking Perfection" said:

    @mcglz_64 said:

    @"Seeking Perfection" said:
    Waitlisted at Virginia.

    I think these waitlists are going to start rolling in.

    Congrats! You're still in the running.

    Only if I accept the spot on the waitlist. I probably will just in case I get some big scholarship off the waitlist.

    However, since it's nearly useless for negotiation now, Virginia is basically gone from my cycle.

    @goingfor99th said:

    @"Seeking Perfection" said:
    Waitlisted at Virginia.

    I think these waitlists are going to start rolling in.


    Probably, which means I needed to write a better Why Virginia. I didn't really have any good ties to work with though jyst their proximity to DC, public interest programs, and law and economics strength(none of which are individually exclusive to them).

    So far I'm in at Columbia(with no money), in at Duke which I am tied to through one of my recommenders and priority track(with scholarship info supposedly coming this week), in at Michigan(with $150000) with strong ties to the state, and in at WUSTL(with $$$).

    I'm waitlisted at Harvard. (Can't be yield protection, but might be me being KJD).

    Waitlisted at Virginia(probably yield protection).

    Interviewed at Chicago

    Held tight at NYU

    Ghosted by Stanford(GPA and KJD), by Penn (Yield Protection), by Northwestern (KJD), and by Cornell(?)

    I think that if you want big scholarships in the Top 14, ties to a school or it's area are important just because its hard to convince them you will go with high enough stats for their big scholarships otherwise. Thankfully, I had just enough of those to get a few good results and you can only go to one school.

    did you apply to Yale?

    Yes, but there are enough reasons for them not to want me I have not found their non-response particularly vexing. They are the only school where my numbers give me below a 50/50 shot.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    U.Penn wait-list

    Now I’m:

    0 - 6 - 4(5) on apps

  • mcglz_64mcglz_64 Alum Member
    891 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:
    U.Penn wait-list

    Now I’m:

    0 - 6 - 4(5) on apps

    What are your stats again? Did you manage to fix the GPA issue ?

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @mcglz_64 said:

    @LSATcantwin said:
    U.Penn wait-list

    Now I’m:

    0 - 6 - 4(5) on apps

    What are your stats again? Did you manage to fix the GPA issue ?

    171 and 2.85

    Military - Federal court - State court (softs)

    No I didn’t, I’ve actually filed a complaint with the BBB and consulted an attorney based on what the LSAC has done.

  • @LSATcantwin said:
    @"Radhika." Yeah everyone got them last week, since then it has been silence on the forums. So if you didn't get one yet - I'd ASSUME you missed that wave (so did I)

    @westcoastbestcoast Nope, no word from anyone for like the past two weeks. Just dead silence. I'm starting to just not care, I think I'll just apply for a job at McDonalds. I hear their managers can make like $17 an hour...

    Roger that man, I'm aiming for Taco Bell since they pay back alot of schools tuition. I mean fingers crossed I at least can get on their waitlist.

  • Kade KatrakKade Katrak Core Member
    4428 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:

    @mcglz_64 said:

    @LSATcantwin said:
    U.Penn wait-list

    Now I’m:

    0 - 6 - 4(5) on apps

    What are your stats again? Did you manage to fix the GPA issue ?

    171 and 2.85

    Military - Federal court - State court (softs)

    No I didn’t, I’ve actually filed a complaint with the BBB and consulted an attorney based on what the LSAC has done.

    A couple of those waitlists have to pan out though right?

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @"Seeking Perfection" said:

    @LSATcantwin said:

    @mcglz_64 said:

    @LSATcantwin said:
    U.Penn wait-list

    Now I’m:

    0 - 6 - 4(5) on apps

    What are your stats again? Did you manage to fix the GPA issue ?

    171 and 2.85

    Military - Federal court - State court (softs)

    No I didn’t, I’ve actually filed a complaint with the BBB and consulted an attorney based on what the LSAC has done.

    A couple of those waitlists have to pan out though right?

    Hope and pray lol that’s all I can do along with some LOCI’s and school visits!

  • tylerdschreur10tylerdschreur10 Alum Member
    1465 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:
    U.Penn wait-list

    Now I’m:

    0 - 6 - 4(5) on apps

    Hang in there man! I know it shreds ur confidence, but you are great, and you're going to end up at a great school! Maybe it's off the waitlist. Maybe it's a April 25 admit. Maybe you prove your resilience by postponing a cycle. But you're going to get there, we believe in you brother!!

  • ZizouFriedaZizouFrieda Free Trial Member
    58 karma

    It’s really unpredictable. I’ve been on visits on the west coast this week and everyone seems to be waiting on the same set of schools. And the decisions are really baffling. Everyone seems a bit confused, with people with identical numbers getting radically different results.

  • acsimonacsimon Alum Member
    1269 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:
    U.Penn wait-list

    Now I’m:

    0 - 6 - 4(5) on apps

    Really sorry to hear this—but as @"Seeking Perfection" said, a couple of the WLs just have to pan out, no? I just have to believe that; pulling for you over here!

  • westcoastbestcoastwestcoastbestcoast Alum Member
    3788 karma

    @ZizouFrieda said:
    It’s really unpredictable. I’ve been on visits on the west coast this week and everyone seems to be waiting on the same set of schools. And the decisions are really baffling. Everyone seems a bit confused, with people with identical numbers getting radically different results.

    I guess with a more competitive cycle softs are mattering alot more than they used too

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @tylerdschreur10 thanks! Lol still have 5 schools who have not given me an answer yet. Small hope one of them will say yes. If not I’ll just push waitlists like mad.

    @acsimon I’m hoping so. I mean with so many waitlists SOMEONE has to budge right? Haha

  • mcglz_64mcglz_64 Alum Member
    891 karma

    I got a LOR from my boss and I’m still waiting g to hear from his Alma mater. Every day he passes by my desk and he never says anything but I can tell he wants to know. You and me both

  • tylerdschreur10tylerdschreur10 Alum Member
    1465 karma

    Just got an email from Yale---Dinged. Totally expected, but still sad. Anybody else hearing anything today? Hopeful this means more positive decisions impending

  • mcglz_64mcglz_64 Alum Member
    891 karma

    @tylerdschreur10 said:
    Just got an email from Yale---Dinged. Totally expected, but still sad. Anybody else hearing anything today? Hopeful this means more positive decisions impending

    I assumed it would be quiet for a while because of Easter. I’m sorry about Yale.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @mcglz_64 said:

    @tylerdschreur10 said:
    Just got an email from Yale---Dinged. Totally expected, but still sad. Anybody else hearing anything today? Hopeful this means more positive decisions impending

    I assumed it would be quiet for a while because of Easter. I’m sorry about Yale.

    Law schools have no chill lol

    One thing I've learned this cycle is that as soon as you let your guard down, you get hit in the face with a decision lol

  • tylerdschreur10tylerdschreur10 Alum Member
    1465 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:

    @mcglz_64 said:

    @tylerdschreur10 said:
    Just got an email from Yale---Dinged. Totally expected, but still sad. Anybody else hearing anything today? Hopeful this means more positive decisions impending

    I assumed it would be quiet for a while because of Easter. I’m sorry about Yale.

    Law schools have no chill lol

    One thing I've learned this cycle is that as soon as you let your guard down, you get hit in the face with a decision lol

    What I've learned is that I should've worked harder in undergrad...if only my mother had repeatedly encouraged that and told me to go to class...#MomKnowsBest

  • Kade KatrakKade Katrak Core Member
    4428 karma

    This news thread has become too disappointing(they understandably have to waitlist and reject us eventually). I'm going to cheer it up with good and strange news.

    In a surprising move I got an interview request from Cornell today. It asks me to interview through Kira Talent in the next 10 days.

    Now, why on earth they waited until April 3rd to send this when their deposit deadline is April 15th, I have no idea.

    Additionally, it has a written component.

    This isn't as strange and exciting as the unsolicited interview request I had from WUSTL to open the cycle(I hadn't applied) but it was unexpected this late.

  • Kade KatrakKade Katrak Core Member
    4428 karma

    @tylerdschreur10 said:
    Just got an email from Yale---Dinged. Totally expected, but still sad. Anybody else hearing anything today? Hopeful this means more positive decisions impending

    It definitely wasn't just you. Reddit is full of Yale dings.

    Nonetheless, I dodged them by applying late. Apparently most of the dings were people who applied before New Years. They are tired of looking at your apps. They want to stare at ours for a while before they ding us too.

    I like to rock hunt on the shores of Lake Michigan. I think what the admissions officers at all the schools are sort of doing is picking up rocks that roll up from the water taking a glance at us, dropping a scant few in their bags, and throwing the rest either back in the lake to roll around and possibly be picked up again by one day, or leaving us behind on the beach for their admission counselor friends.

  • mcglz_64mcglz_64 Alum Member
    891 karma

    @"Seeking Perfection" said:

    @tylerdschreur10 said:
    Just got an email from Yale---Dinged. Totally expected, but still sad. Anybody else hearing anything today? Hopeful this means more positive decisions impending

    It definitely wasn't just you. Reddit is full of Yale dings.

    Nonetheless, I dodged them by applying late. Apparently most of the dings were people who applied before New Years. They are tired of looking at your apps. They want to stare at ours for a while before they ding us too.

    I like to rock hunt on the shores of Lake Michigan. I think what the admissions officers at all the schools are sort of doing is picking up rocks that roll up from the water taking a glance at us, dropping a scant few in their bags, and throwing the rest either back in the lake to roll around and possibly be picked up again by one day, or leaving us behind on the beach for their admission counselor friends.

    There's actually one ding from a Feb applicant (about a week before the deadline). I saw this on LSN. below avg. (for Yale) stats from what I remember. 165, 3.5gpa

  • teamteamvicsterteamteamvicster Alum Member
    774 karma

    I just really want to go home to Arizona and get into Arizona State. :( I've been waitlisted for a long time, and it's forced me to retake this June. Just turned down American and alllllllll the money. Maybe seat deposits will cause a few spaces to open up, and we will see some movement.

  • tylerdschreur10tylerdschreur10 Alum Member
    1465 karma

    I'm also a late applicant, mid January

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    Today - I went and did logic games FOR FUN. I'm waiting on 5 schools still, it's official. I've lost it.

  • mcglz_64mcglz_64 Alum Member
    891 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:
    Today - I went and did logic games FOR FUN. I'm waiting on 5 schools still, it's official. I've lost it.

    They were kinda fun once you got into it! Kind of like doing Sudoku! Have I lost it too?

    Are you planning on visiting any of your WL schools soon?

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    Held at Cornell today. Now just waiting on Northwestern, Michigan, UCI. Come on, guys! Let’s get this over with.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @"Leah M B" said:
    Held at Cornell today. Now just waiting on Northwestern, Michigan, UCI. Come on, guys! Let’s get this over with.

    So, I read a post on Reddit today where someone said that UCI wont be releasing any more decisions until the end of April....which sucks if true.

    As for Northwestern, what gives with them!?!

  • mcglz_64mcglz_64 Alum Member
    891 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:

    @"Leah M B" said:
    Held at Cornell today. Now just waiting on Northwestern, Michigan, UCI. Come on, guys! Let’s get this over with.

    So, I read a post on Reddit today where someone said that UCI wont be releasing any more decisions until the end of April....which sucks if true.

    As for Northwestern, what gives with them!?!

    Didn't apply to either of the above schools UCI - why the heck not?? That's insane. WE HAVE DEPOSIT DEADLINES

  • Radhika.Radhika. Member
    214 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:

    @"Leah M B" said:
    Held at Cornell today. Now just waiting on Northwestern, Michigan, UCI. Come on, guys! Let’s get this over with.

    So, I read a post on Reddit today where someone said that UCI wont be releasing any more decisions until the end of April....which sucks if true.

    As for Northwestern, what gives with them!?!

    wtf! :open_mouth:

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @"Radhika." said:

    @LSATcantwin said:

    @"Leah M B" said:
    Held at Cornell today. Now just waiting on Northwestern, Michigan, UCI. Come on, guys! Let’s get this over with.

    So, I read a post on Reddit today where someone said that UCI wont be releasing any more decisions until the end of April....which sucks if true.

    As for Northwestern, what gives with them!?!

    wtf! :open_mouth:

    Not sure, the person said they knew/talked to someone who asked admissions and this is what they were told.

    Hearsay and rumor are highly likely as I'm now like the 4th person removed from the source. Take with a grain of salt!!

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:

    @"Leah M B" said:
    Held at Cornell today. Now just waiting on Northwestern, Michigan, UCI. Come on, guys! Let’s get this over with.

    So, I read a post on Reddit today where someone said that UCI wont be releasing any more decisions until the end of April....which sucks if true.

    As for Northwestern, what gives with them!?!

    If true, that is bananas. I applied crazy late to them (end of Feb) so have been somewhat forgiving. But if that is true, that’s so dumb. I mean, so many deposits are mid-April so why would you deliberately not offer people a spot until then? Just wait list us if that’s what you’re doing. Because that’s basically a waitlist.

    I know, looking at the last couple years of data on LSN, people who applied around the time I did usually got a response in early to mid-April so that’s sort of what I was expecting but was hoping they’d do it faster. Michigan is killing me though. Gah. Feel like I should have heard by now.

  • @LSATcantwin said:
    Today - I went and did logic games FOR FUN. I'm waiting on 5 schools still, it's official. I've lost it.

    Hold up, because I literally just came home & said to myself just how much I miss this damn exam. I'm currently doing a full PT.

  • Kade KatrakKade Katrak Core Member
    4428 karma

    @OverRatedUnderAchiever said:

    @LSATcantwin said:
    Today - I went and did logic games FOR FUN. I'm waiting on 5 schools still, it's official. I've lost it.

    Hold up, because I literally just came home & said to myself just how much I miss this damn exam. I'm currently doing a full PT.

    First of all you are clearly crazy. Second of all, I'm the exact same type of crazy with a slight caveat. My last test was my 180 in September and I refuse to ruin that by taking a PT to soothe my nerves.

    So instead I am starting to study for law school. I went through Getting to Maybe and the book for LEEWs and they seem to be describing a similar thing to that which I am craving. I think I need to start taking practice law school exams or at least doing some hypotheticals. I was already planning to do a little of this over the summer, but I can't wait any longer. The Torts E and E is coming to me in the mail this week and I intend to open it. It should contain some hypotheticals which may satisfy the thirst a little. Then, once I am done with it, hopefully I will be able to create or edit a previously created torts outline and start taking untimed torts exams. Then it will feel okay again...

    Yep I have definitely lost it too.

  • mcglz_64mcglz_64 Alum Member
    891 karma

    @"Seeking Perfection" said:

    @OverRatedUnderAchiever said:

    @LSATcantwin said:
    Today - I went and did logic games FOR FUN. I'm waiting on 5 schools still, it's official. I've lost it.

    Hold up, because I literally just came home & said to myself just how much I miss this damn exam. I'm currently doing a full PT.

    First of all you are clearly crazy. Second of all, I'm the exact same type of crazy with a slight caveat. My last test was my 180 in September and I refuse to ruin that by taking a PT to soothe my nerves.

    So instead I am starting to study for law school. I went through Getting to Maybe and the book for LEEWs and they seem to be describing a similar thing to that which I am craving. I think I need to start taking practice law school exams or at least doing some hypotheticals. I was already planning to do a little of this over the summer, but I can't wait any longer. The Torts E and E is coming to me in the mail this week and I intend to open it. It should contain some hypotheticals which may satisfy the thirst a little. Then, once I am done with it, hopefully I will be able to create or edit a previously created torts outline and start taking untimed torts exams. Then it will feel okay again...

    Yep I have definitely lost it too.

    This is actually a good idea! What I miss about the LSAT is the schedule I could control and the knowledge that I know what is coming next. We ALL know that Law school is next and this would be a good way to burn our nervous energy while being productive.

  • @mcglz_64 said:

    @"Seeking Perfection" said:

    @OverRatedUnderAchiever said:

    @LSATcantwin said:
    Today - I went and did logic games FOR FUN. I'm waiting on 5 schools still, it's official. I've lost it.

    Hold up, because I literally just came home & said to myself just how much I miss this damn exam. I'm currently doing a full PT.

    First of all you are clearly crazy. Second of all, I'm the exact same type of crazy with a slight caveat. My last test was my 180 in September and I refuse to ruin that by taking a PT to soothe my nerves.

    So instead I am starting to study for law school. I went through Getting to Maybe and the book for LEEWs and they seem to be describing a similar thing to that which I am craving. I think I need to start taking practice law school exams or at least doing some hypotheticals. I was already planning to do a little of this over the summer, but I can't wait any longer. The Torts E and E is coming to me in the mail this week and I intend to open it. It should contain some hypotheticals which may satisfy the thirst a little. Then, once I am done with it, hopefully I will be able to create or edit a previously created torts outline and start taking untimed torts exams. Then it will feel okay again...

    Yep I have definitely lost it too.

    This is actually a good idea! What I miss about the LSAT is the schedule I could control and the knowledge that I know what is coming next. We ALL know that Law school is next and this would be a good way to burn our nervous energy while being productive.

    I miss my schedule more and more, but I miss being challenged by the work

  • westcoastbestcoastwestcoastbestcoast Alum Member
    3788 karma

    @"Seeking Perfection" said:

    @OverRatedUnderAchiever said:

    @LSATcantwin said:
    Today - I went and did logic games FOR FUN. I'm waiting on 5 schools still, it's official. I've lost it.

    Hold up, because I literally just came home & said to myself just how much I miss this damn exam. I'm currently doing a full PT.

    First of all you are clearly crazy. Second of all, I'm the exact same type of crazy with a slight caveat. My last test was my 180 in September and I refuse to ruin that by taking a PT to soothe my nerves.

    So instead I am starting to study for law school. I went through Getting to Maybe and the book for LEEWs and they seem to be describing a similar thing to that which I am craving. I think I need to start taking practice law school exams or at least doing some hypotheticals. I was already planning to do a little of this over the summer, but I can't wait any longer. The Torts E and E is coming to me in the mail this week and I intend to open it. It should contain some hypotheticals which may satisfy the thirst a little. Then, once I am done with it, hopefully I will be able to create or edit a previously created torts outline and start taking untimed torts exams. Then it will feel okay again...

    Yep I have definitely lost it too.

    This kind of crazy will get you top grades in school :)

  • ZizouFriedaZizouFrieda Free Trial Member
    edited April 2018 58 karma

    Hi all, and congratulations to those of you with good news!

    As predicted, a few answers waiting when I got home from my Asian trip, including my Stanford rejection. But what killed me is that I've been biting my nails about Georgetown for 3 weeks, and it turns out that my snail mail acceptance was sitting in my house (thanks, cat-sitter, for not passing it on!) for most of that time. No e-mail at all.

    Still no news from Yale, Chicago, Columbia, NYU, Michigan, Northwestern, Cornell, Texas, or (strangely) Indiana. In at Berkeley, Duke, Georgetown, UCLA, USC, GW, Georgia, and Ohio State. WL at Harvard and Emory. Still waiting on $$ from several schools, too. Ugh. Really tough to make a decision like this without all the information.

  • westcoastbestcoastwestcoastbestcoast Alum Member
    3788 karma

    @ZizouFrieda said:
    Hi all, and congratulations to those of you with good news!

    As predicted, a few answers waiting when I got home from my Asian trip, including my Stanford rejection. But what killed me is that I've been biting my nails about Georgetown for 3 weeks, and it turns out that my snail mail acceptance was sitting in my house (thanks, cat-sitter, for not passing it on!) for most of that time. No e-mail at all.

    Still no news from Yale, Chicago, Columbia, NYU, Michigan, Northwestern, Cornell, Texas, or (strangely) Indiana. In at Berkeley, Duke, Georgetown, UCLA, USC, GW, Georgia, and Ohio State. WL at Harvard and Emory. Still waiting on $$ from several schools, too. Ugh. Really tough to make a decision like this without all the information.

    You still got into good schools! Great job!

  • Kade KatrakKade Katrak Core Member
    edited April 2018 4428 karma

    @ZizouFrieda said:
    Hi all, and congratulations to those of you with good news!

    As predicted, a few answers waiting when I got home from my Asian trip, including my Stanford rejection. But what killed me is that I've been biting my nails about Georgetown for 3 weeks, and it turns out that my snail mail acceptance was sitting in my house (thanks, cat-sitter, for not passing it on!) for most of that time. No e-mail at all.

    Still no news from Yale, Chicago, Columbia, NYU, Michigan, Northwestern, Cornell, Texas, or (strangely) Indiana. In at Berkeley, Duke, Georgetown, UCLA, USC, GW, Georgia, and Ohio State. WL at Harvard and Emory. Still waiting on $$ from several schools, too. Ugh. Really tough to make a decision like this without all the information.

    I feel you. My Stanford rejection or waitlist is apparently in the mail. I know based on the status checker. It says decision letter sent and the internet says that's not a good sign.

  • goingfor99thgoingfor99th Free Trial Member
    3072 karma

    @"Seeking Perfection" said:

    @ZizouFrieda said:
    Hi all, and congratulations to those of you with good news!

    As predicted, a few answers waiting when I got home from my Asian trip, including my Stanford rejection. But what killed me is that I've been biting my nails about Georgetown for 3 weeks, and it turns out that my snail mail acceptance was sitting in my house (thanks, cat-sitter, for not passing it on!) for most of that time. No e-mail at all.

    Still no news from Yale, Chicago, Columbia, NYU, Michigan, Northwestern, Cornell, Texas, or (strangely) Indiana. In at Berkeley, Duke, Georgetown, UCLA, USC, GW, Georgia, and Ohio State. WL at Harvard and Emory. Still waiting on $$ from several schools, too. Ugh. Really tough to make a decision like this without all the information.

    I feel you. My Stanford rejection or waitlist is apparently in the mail. I know based on the status checker. It says decision letter sent and the internet says that's not a good sign.


  • Kade KatrakKade Katrak Core Member
    4428 karma

    @goingfor99th said:

    @"Seeking Perfection" said:

    @ZizouFrieda said:
    Hi all, and congratulations to those of you with good news!

    As predicted, a few answers waiting when I got home from my Asian trip, including my Stanford rejection. But what killed me is that I've been biting my nails about Georgetown for 3 weeks, and it turns out that my snail mail acceptance was sitting in my house (thanks, cat-sitter, for not passing it on!) for most of that time. No e-mail at all.

    Still no news from Yale, Chicago, Columbia, NYU, Michigan, Northwestern, Cornell, Texas, or (strangely) Indiana. In at Berkeley, Duke, Georgetown, UCLA, USC, GW, Georgia, and Ohio State. WL at Harvard and Emory. Still waiting on $$ from several schools, too. Ugh. Really tough to make a decision like this without all the information.

    I feel you. My Stanford rejection or waitlist is apparently in the mail. I know based on the status checker. It says decision letter sent and the internet says that's not a good sign.


    The field is winnowing...

    Michigan leads with Duke trailing pending a response to my scholarship negotiation email. Behind them are Columbia with its uninspiring lack of merit aid and WUSTL putting in a strong effort to try and find the podium. Harvard and Virginia have all but dropped out of the field scratching at the gates with waitlists. Stanford may have followed in their mold or may have left the race track all together. Chicago hasn't left the gate yet, but appears to be readying itself for a move either into the race or off of the track. Northwestern is questioning whether the track has a rich and experienced enough history to deserve being ran on. Cornell, wants to have a conversation tomorrow before deciding whether to enter the race. Yale, NYU, and Penn remain nowhere to be found.

  • goingfor99thgoingfor99th Free Trial Member
    3072 karma

    @"Seeking Perfection" said:

    @goingfor99th said:

    @"Seeking Perfection" said:

    @ZizouFrieda said:
    Hi all, and congratulations to those of you with good news!

    As predicted, a few answers waiting when I got home from my Asian trip, including my Stanford rejection. But what killed me is that I've been biting my nails about Georgetown for 3 weeks, and it turns out that my snail mail acceptance was sitting in my house (thanks, cat-sitter, for not passing it on!) for most of that time. No e-mail at all.

    Still no news from Yale, Chicago, Columbia, NYU, Michigan, Northwestern, Cornell, Texas, or (strangely) Indiana. In at Berkeley, Duke, Georgetown, UCLA, USC, GW, Georgia, and Ohio State. WL at Harvard and Emory. Still waiting on $$ from several schools, too. Ugh. Really tough to make a decision like this without all the information.

    I feel you. My Stanford rejection or waitlist is apparently in the mail. I know based on the status checker. It says decision letter sent and the internet says that's not a good sign.


    The field is winnowing...

    Michigan leads with Duke trailing pending a response to my scholarship negotiation email. Behind them are Columbia with its uninspiring lack of merit aid and WUSTL putting in a strong effort to try and find the podium. Harvard and Virginia have all but dropped out of the field scratching at the gates with waitlists. Stanford may have followed in their mold or may have left the race track all together. Chicago hasn't left the gate yet, but appears to be readying itself for a move either into the race or off of the track. Northwestern is questioning whether the track has a rich and experienced enough history to deserve being ran on. Cornell, wants to have a conversation tomorrow before deciding whether to enter the race. Yale, NYU, and Penn remain nowhere to be found.

    There's still Y.

  • Kade KatrakKade Katrak Core Member
    4428 karma

    @mcglz_64 said:

    @"Seeking Perfection" said:

    @OverRatedUnderAchiever said:

    @LSATcantwin said:
    Today - I went and did logic games FOR FUN. I'm waiting on 5 schools still, it's official. I've lost it.

    Hold up, because I literally just came home & said to myself just how much I miss this damn exam. I'm currently doing a full PT.

    First of all you are clearly crazy. Second of all, I'm the exact same type of crazy with a slight caveat. My last test was my 180 in September and I refuse to ruin that by taking a PT to soothe my nerves.

    So instead I am starting to study for law school. I went through Getting to Maybe and the book for LEEWs and they seem to be describing a similar thing to that which I am craving. I think I need to start taking practice law school exams or at least doing some hypotheticals. I was already planning to do a little of this over the summer, but I can't wait any longer. The Torts E and E is coming to me in the mail this week and I intend to open it. It should contain some hypotheticals which may satisfy the thirst a little. Then, once I am done with it, hopefully I will be able to create or edit a previously created torts outline and start taking untimed torts exams. Then it will feel okay again...

    Yep I have definitely lost it too.

    This is actually a good idea! What I miss about the LSAT is the schedule I could control and the knowledge that I know what is coming next. We ALL know that Law school is next and this would be a good way to burn our nervous energy while being productive.

    Hopefully, it is a good idea. Opinion is mixed by former students. But it will burn the energy.

    @OverRatedUnderAchiever said:

    @mcglz_64 said:

    @"Seeking Perfection" said:

    @OverRatedUnderAchiever said:

    @LSATcantwin said:
    Today - I went and did logic games FOR FUN. I'm waiting on 5 schools still, it's official. I've lost it.

    Hold up, because I literally just came home & said to myself just how much I miss this damn exam. I'm currently doing a full PT.

    First of all you are clearly crazy. Second of all, I'm the exact same type of crazy with a slight caveat. My last test was my 180 in September and I refuse to ruin that by taking a PT to soothe my nerves.

    So instead I am starting to study for law school. I went through Getting to Maybe and the book for LEEWs and they seem to be describing a similar thing to that which I am craving. I think I need to start taking practice law school exams or at least doing some hypotheticals. I was already planning to do a little of this over the summer, but I can't wait any longer. The Torts E and E is coming to me in the mail this week and I intend to open it. It should contain some hypotheticals which may satisfy the thirst a little. Then, once I am done with it, hopefully I will be able to create or edit a previously created torts outline and start taking untimed torts exams. Then it will feel okay again...

    Yep I have definitely lost it too.

    This is actually a good idea! What I miss about the LSAT is the schedule I could control and the knowledge that I know what is coming next. We ALL know that Law school is next and this would be a good way to burn our nervous energy while being productive.

    I miss my schedule more and more, but I miss being challenged by the work

    I think we will be challenged plenty soon.

    @westcoastbestcoast said:

    @"Seeking Perfection" said:

    @OverRatedUnderAchiever said:

    @LSATcantwin said:
    Today - I went and did logic games FOR FUN. I'm waiting on 5 schools still, it's official. I've lost it.

    Hold up, because I literally just came home & said to myself just how much I miss this damn exam. I'm currently doing a full PT.

    First of all you are clearly crazy. Second of all, I'm the exact same type of crazy with a slight caveat. My last test was my 180 in September and I refuse to ruin that by taking a PT to soothe my nerves.

    So instead I am starting to study for law school. I went through Getting to Maybe and the book for LEEWs and they seem to be describing a similar thing to that which I am craving. I think I need to start taking practice law school exams or at least doing some hypotheticals. I was already planning to do a little of this over the summer, but I can't wait any longer. The Torts E and E is coming to me in the mail this week and I intend to open it. It should contain some hypotheticals which may satisfy the thirst a little. Then, once I am done with it, hopefully I will be able to create or edit a previously created torts outline and start taking untimed torts exams. Then it will feel okay again...

    Yep I have definitely lost it too.

    This kind of crazy will get you top grades in school :)

    Or it won't, but I'll know I tried and that will soothe the stress!

  • Kade KatrakKade Katrak Core Member
    4428 karma

    @goingfor99th said:

    @"Seeking Perfection" said:

    @goingfor99th said:

    @"Seeking Perfection" said:

    @ZizouFrieda said:
    Hi all, and congratulations to those of you with good news!

    As predicted, a few answers waiting when I got home from my Asian trip, including my Stanford rejection. But what killed me is that I've been biting my nails about Georgetown for 3 weeks, and it turns out that my snail mail acceptance was sitting in my house (thanks, cat-sitter, for not passing it on!) for most of that time. No e-mail at all.

    Still no news from Yale, Chicago, Columbia, NYU, Michigan, Northwestern, Cornell, Texas, or (strangely) Indiana. In at Berkeley, Duke, Georgetown, UCLA, USC, GW, Georgia, and Ohio State. WL at Harvard and Emory. Still waiting on $$ from several schools, too. Ugh. Really tough to make a decision like this without all the information.

    I feel you. My Stanford rejection or waitlist is apparently in the mail. I know based on the status checker. It says decision letter sent and the internet says that's not a good sign.


    The field is winnowing...

    Michigan leads with Duke trailing pending a response to my scholarship negotiation email. Behind them are Columbia with its uninspiring lack of merit aid and WUSTL putting in a strong effort to try and find the podium. Harvard and Virginia have all but dropped out of the field scratching at the gates with waitlists. Stanford may have followed in their mold or may have left the race track all together. Chicago hasn't left the gate yet, but appears to be readying itself for a move either into the race or off of the track. Northwestern is questioning whether the track has a rich and experienced enough history to deserve being ran on. Cornell, wants to have a conversation tomorrow before deciding whether to enter the race. Yale, NYU, and Penn remain nowhere to be found.

    There's still Y.

    and NYU and Penn. They are still in the non-responsive camp.

    Yale does tend to make decisions late though so the lack of a response is more of a non-sign instead of a bad sign.

    But, I'm glad to have heard back from some even in the negative or neutral(waitlist).

  • westcoastbestcoastwestcoastbestcoast Alum Member
    3788 karma

    @"Seeking Perfection" said:

    @goingfor99th said:

    @"Seeking Perfection" said:

    @goingfor99th said:

    @"Seeking Perfection" said:

    @ZizouFrieda said:
    Hi all, and congratulations to those of you with good news!

    As predicted, a few answers waiting when I got home from my Asian trip, including my Stanford rejection. But what killed me is that I've been biting my nails about Georgetown for 3 weeks, and it turns out that my snail mail acceptance was sitting in my house (thanks, cat-sitter, for not passing it on!) for most of that time. No e-mail at all.

    Still no news from Yale, Chicago, Columbia, NYU, Michigan, Northwestern, Cornell, Texas, or (strangely) Indiana. In at Berkeley, Duke, Georgetown, UCLA, USC, GW, Georgia, and Ohio State. WL at Harvard and Emory. Still waiting on $$ from several schools, too. Ugh. Really tough to make a decision like this without all the information.

    I feel you. My Stanford rejection or waitlist is apparently in the mail. I know based on the status checker. It says decision letter sent and the internet says that's not a good sign.


    The field is winnowing...

    Michigan leads with Duke trailing pending a response to my scholarship negotiation email. Behind them are Columbia with its uninspiring lack of merit aid and WUSTL putting in a strong effort to try and find the podium. Harvard and Virginia have all but dropped out of the field scratching at the gates with waitlists. Stanford may have followed in their mold or may have left the race track all together. Chicago hasn't left the gate yet, but appears to be readying itself for a move either into the race or off of the track. Northwestern is questioning whether the track has a rich and experienced enough history to deserve being ran on. Cornell, wants to have a conversation tomorrow before deciding whether to enter the race. Yale, NYU, and Penn remain nowhere to be found.

    There's still Y.

    and NYU and Penn. They are still in the non-responsive camp.

    Yale does tend to make decisions late though so the lack of a response is more of a non-sign instead of a bad sign.

    But, I'm glad to have heard back from some even in the negative or neutral(waitlist).

    Didnt hear back from Yale, not that i have a chsnce

  • goingfor99thgoingfor99th Free Trial Member
    3072 karma

    @"Seeking Perfection" said:

    @goingfor99th said:

    @"Seeking Perfection" said:

    @goingfor99th said:

    @"Seeking Perfection" said:

    @ZizouFrieda said:
    Hi all, and congratulations to those of you with good news!

    As predicted, a few answers waiting when I got home from my Asian trip, including my Stanford rejection. But what killed me is that I've been biting my nails about Georgetown for 3 weeks, and it turns out that my snail mail acceptance was sitting in my house (thanks, cat-sitter, for not passing it on!) for most of that time. No e-mail at all.

    Still no news from Yale, Chicago, Columbia, NYU, Michigan, Northwestern, Cornell, Texas, or (strangely) Indiana. In at Berkeley, Duke, Georgetown, UCLA, USC, GW, Georgia, and Ohio State. WL at Harvard and Emory. Still waiting on $$ from several schools, too. Ugh. Really tough to make a decision like this without all the information.

    I feel you. My Stanford rejection or waitlist is apparently in the mail. I know based on the status checker. It says decision letter sent and the internet says that's not a good sign.


    The field is winnowing...

    Michigan leads with Duke trailing pending a response to my scholarship negotiation email. Behind them are Columbia with its uninspiring lack of merit aid and WUSTL putting in a strong effort to try and find the podium. Harvard and Virginia have all but dropped out of the field scratching at the gates with waitlists. Stanford may have followed in their mold or may have left the race track all together. Chicago hasn't left the gate yet, but appears to be readying itself for a move either into the race or off of the track. Northwestern is questioning whether the track has a rich and experienced enough history to deserve being ran on. Cornell, wants to have a conversation tomorrow before deciding whether to enter the race. Yale, NYU, and Penn remain nowhere to be found.

    There's still Y.

    and NYU and Penn. They are still in the non-responsive camp.

    Yale does tend to make decisions late though so the lack of a response is more of a non-sign instead of a bad sign.

    But, I'm glad to have heard back from some even in the negative or neutral(waitlist).

    Yeah, you sent yours in fairly late, too, right?

  • mcglz_64mcglz_64 Alum Member
    891 karma

    Wouldn't Yale send out rejects right away? I saw the process (Thanks Asha!) on the blog and I ASSUMED the immediate rejects would not go through the faculty read.... also I could just be engaging in wishful thinking.

  • goingfor99thgoingfor99th Free Trial Member
    edited April 2018 3072 karma

    @mcglz_64 said:
    Wouldn't Yale send out rejects right away? I saw the process (Thanks Asha!) on the blog and I ASSUMED the immediate rejects would not go through the faculty read.... also I could just be engaging in wishful thinking.

    No, they hold them all for some reason. Yale tends to reject in really big waves towards the very end of the cycle.

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