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Usually -0 -1 but struggling with early LGs. How concerned should I be?

ViciousBanditViciousBandit Alum Member
in Logic Games 14 karma

I decided to skip the early sets (1-20) since I figured they'd be significantly different from the more recent sets. I've been doing the sets from PTs 40-60 but decided to go back to the early ones to save some fresh PTs for later. I usually go -0-1 on LGs with at least 5 min left but I've been struggling to finish the whole set on time mainly due to not understanding the rules and not knowing how to begin my setup. Does anybody else find these games harder than the more recent ones? How often do the weird games show up on the newer PTs?


  • Seeking PerfectionSeeking Perfection Alum Member
    4428 karma

    They are rare, but increasingly common. I would say there is one every couple sections. And they still aren't as weird as the older games sometimes are.

    I wouldn't be concerned by it. I would just use it as a reason to practice.

  • LSAT newbeeLSAT newbee Alum Member
    4 karma

    I am in no position to offer anyone advice on LSAT but LG is the only section that I feel I am competent in. So here it goes.

    As far as I know, the super majority of the newer games (60+) are based on similar principles from the previous LSATs (1-60) with more focus on (30-60). I think your hunch of ignoring the early LGs was a smart decision if you were trying to be competent, meaning -3 or below under timed condition, on the LGs in the shortest amount of time. You still have like 15+ more PTs left so practice the latest ones first before exploring the old ones. For me at least, I see the old ones as somewhat of a low return kind of exercises since they are infrequent.

    I think the newer ones (60+) are probably more similar to the later ones than the earlier ones. By the way, the LGs from 40 and 60s are on the fairly easy side. From the late 60s and on, games get little bit more funky. On the more recent LSAT, out of the four games, usually one of the games is a deviation of the harder questions from the past. But to be fair, they are ALL based on similar principles.

    First, take a crack at all the LGs from 60+ and if you find yourself struggling, you should then refer back to the earlier ones. If your goal is to score perfect on the LG section every single time then you should look at the older ones as well. If you are satisfied with ~ -2, don't bother. Spend that time on the other sections.

  • FixedDiceFixedDice Member
    1804 karma

    Does anybody else find these games harder than the more recent ones? How often do the weird games show up on the newer PTs?

    Early LSATs tend to have unusual games (that one game with pilots and copilots and unstated assumption comes to my mind), but their usual games tend to be easier. "Weird" games are becoming more and more common, as you might see if you keep doing PTs.

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    Yeah, agree with the others. The early games are kinda funky but I think they have been really helpful to me. I just started them recently as I never foolproofed them early on. Some of them have been kicking my butt! And I normally average around -1/-2 on LG. I just spent like 20 minutes on 1 freaking LG, determined to figure it out without watching the video! And it had a target time of 8 minutes lol. Even though I feel pretty decent about games, some of those are pretty challenging. But I think it's good to be able to go in and be prepared for any scenario. And the most recent tests have been throwing in some miscellaneous/weird games again.

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