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Hello all,
We will have our first SG BR session on Thursday June 14th, 7:30 PM EST of PT 39. We will be using GoToMeeting as our platform - access kindly provided by 7sage.
Just a couple administrative things:
First, this group is open to anyone. If you are done the curriculum or almost done the curriculum, join us when you can. We welcome people in all stages of prep. The point of the group is to get your lsat nerd on with other like-minded people and make the process more fun. Expand your thinking and learning by interacting with others! For my fellow shy-people, everyone is going to be focused on their own answers/questions that I guarantee you they will not be judging you based on mispronounced words, reading-speed, etc. It's all for fun!
Second, I'm going to make it a bit of a prerequisite that people watch this wonderful webinar before we start: It discusses the right mindset for approaching PT's and the wrong one. Someone once told me that wisdom is learning from other people's mistakes, not just your own. The webinars and forums are filled with stories of peoples mistakes and regrets (and what they learned from it), listen to their stories and save yourself some heartache.
Third, please don't neglect signs of burn out as it will only get worse. If you feel tired and feel as if you are making more easy mistakes than usual, it's a sign of burn-out. Take a day or two off. If that's not enough, take a week off. A week or even a month, in the long run, won't affect your chances of success on the test. If it does, then you probably weren't ready to take it officially anyway and that's fine. The test, law school, application dates, lsac, etc. aren't going anywhere. They'll be there a few months and even the year after. Read this wonderful thread; there are many others if you just search 'burnout'
Fourth, as a reward for getting this far here is the tentative schedule for the group, which may be subject to some changes:
Note: Take the PT on your own under timed conditions and BR it to the best of your abilities. Before the start of each session, we will have a spreadsheet where people can enter the questions they wish to cover. If you already know the answer, please don't spoil it for anyone. Similarly, don't go "I know the answer is A but I still don't get why B is wrong?" Instead, use your reasoning to convince others and yourself
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to message me and I will get back to you as soon as possible !
@"Beast Mode" @"alyhobbs" @"lsatplaylist" @"wrasschaert" @"xtinextine" @"Emily2122" @"kragdar2000" @"Merp_Merp" @"Shazia..." @"scales_of_j" @"mjmonte17" @"Sarah_39" @"elviozeze23" @"kwdardis" @"PandaRamen" @"Nabintou" @"Nora1995" @"Nefertari" @"Castillo" @"toniafisher1" @"legallyspoonie" @"ajaraya0" @"foxtrot96" @"ML_LSAT_Killa" @LSATSurvivor" @"Mitzyyyy" @"ahous001" @"kd_bird" @"Ortiz_44" @"Linda1205" @"juanmapm" @"ashleighkong22" @"LauraC120" @"Tongan_Rambo" @"ybao523" @"Kermit750" @"Tortsillustrated" @"alyssamcc0593" @"venalexb" @"L.Etranger" @"tmcdonald03" @AngusMcGillis @Wilhelmina @"surfy surf" @"paulmv.benthem" @Micolash @LastLSAT @KLKuhnnn @ychen1026 @Lilzillaa @vanessacb518 @beeh922 @JenBrooklyn @JD_Davis @jhanco10 @RedNomad @kragdar2000 @AlexRexeger @bcallahan95 @LCMama2017 @"Victoria." @yypc2001 @cgracia12 @ColinTurner610 @Ellie0257 @acevere84 @rpadr007 @TheLSATer @Stanford_Hopeful @T_Sense1 @Fluccci3 @dacev015 @Sadaf529 @VDH_dee5 @Dacalvert @Sadaf529 @VDH_dee5 @"Adam Hawks" @vanessaray4 @Gladiator_2017 @gogulky
Thanks for creating it. I am def interested. I think I will be starting PTs in June as well.
Good luck
I am glad you posted this. I just finished CC and while trying to plan out whats next I was wondering if there would be a BR Group. I originally planned for June until I figured out I needed more time for fool-proofing and drills. I have no idea how to run a BR group but I definitely want to join one. Do you know how many PTs you are wanting to do? One dilemma I've run into trying to create my study plan is that I'm not sure how to fit in enough of the newer PTs without starting in the 60s or 70s. I work full-time so I don't know if I can do 2 a week.
Yes, I'm also interested. Looking forward to this.
@alyhobbs Yeah there's like 83 PT's out right now? The curriculum kinda sorta covers uptil PT 35 so that still leaves 48 PT's. 49 if you count the upcoming June test. That's a LOT. I was thinking we do one BR call a week and start off with one in the late 30's and then one in 40's and start doing it incrementally like PT50, 55, 60, and so forth till 80. That's 9 PT's. Then go back to the 60's or 70's incrementally to cover what we can. This way, if people need to push for december or re-take, there's still more than enough fresh material left. If we're worried about exposure to newer material, we can do timed drills on our own throughout the week. I'll also see if I can find out which PT's are a must/recommended for weird games or particularly weird RC sections, etc. Other than that, I'm open to any suggestions.
Also for general, "what to do after finishing core curriculum" inquires, you can try watching this webinar if you haven't already
I've been doing 1-2 (typically 1) PT a week so for September. I'd definitely be interested. One BR call a week sounds good, now that means one PT a week right? If so, there's about 20 weeks until the test. We could get 19 or so BR calls in, not bad.
I'm totally interested! I agree with the one PT a week. I also work full time and unfortunately can only do a PT on weekends. But I'm pretty available on which day to do the actual call. So having a schedule of PTs we'll cover would be great for planning early.
I've heard of the tests with "infamous" games or passages before and that's a good idea @keets993 to do a few of those! Maybe there's already a list out there for them?
I'm interested!
@xtinextine I think I'd try to make sure that people know the schedule 2 weeks ahead, so that people can be flexible with joining the BR's. Maybe in such a way that if someone is drilling and not PT-ing they can drill a section of the PT we'll be doing and join us for BR of that? But since I prefer simplicity I think start with first week of june with PT40, then 45, and so on in increments of 5 until 80. Add some "must do" PT's along with 83 and 84. I'll look for a list, if not I'll start another discussion where people can recommend which PT's they think are a must do.
@wrasschaert yep 1 PT a week. I'm trying to set it up so that this starts first week of june (also keeps an onus on me to start PT-ing by then). If you're already PT-ing, I suggest maybe joining the June BR group if you haven't already? Or if others are interested in starting the BR group now maybe we can set something up; maybe cover earlier PT's?
@keets993 Yeah, though the June Group is the later PTs. I don't mind waiting and doing solo PT on my own until the September groups starts up. I'm doing one a week and am currently on 42 so I'm not too far into the PTs, yet. And, if the group does do them in increments of 5, I can join in at PT 50 or so.
@keets993 Sounds good to me!
Also very interested in joining. I've been abroad and studying, and get back stateside in June so I'll need something to kick me into gear for September.
@keets993 I'm Interested as well! Thanks for starting the conversation.
I'm Interested as well.
I'm interested!
@keets993 I'm interested, thanks for thinking of this!
Sign me up!
YAY!!! Excited about the Fall SG starting to form!!!
We have a very strong June SG group but as the June/July test dates get closer many people will evaluate their situation and decide to move to the Sept test date. Hopefully we can make a PT schedule plan to accommodate the needs of everyone as they go through the post CC PT journey:)
The June SG BR schedule is PTing the even number tests. It would be great if the Fall SG would schedule the odd number PTs providing opportunities for those that delay their test date to continue to be a part of the SG BR process. The cyclical odd/even PT scheduling approach was introduced a while back by @DumbHollywoodActor and fully support that strategy especially given the changes from LSAC adding additional test dates
Having been a part of the SG/BR calls since their inception and truly believe in their value, please let me know how I can be of support for you all to launch the Sept SG
All the best!!!
@twssmith I was JUST about to message you asking for advice/tips. I will accomodate the list/plan I had so that it's odd numbers instead.
I am interested. I am still working on the CC though. I haven't begun to do anything timed.
In the meantime if anyone is interested, I'd be happy to go over some PTs. Eager for this group collaboration, the LSAT is not ready for it.
Hi guys! Im very interested doing the LSAT for September. Although Im signed up for June, I will definitely be moving it to either July (undisclosed test) or September.
Im done with the CC and have done 6 PTs and BRd them as well. I have the 3 books of tests from 42-78. And I mix them around (36,44,72 etc). This has helped me since I noticed that the 70s+ have a harder RC section than the rest. I didnt want to do just the earlier versions then find out that the 70s range felt harder. This is just an advice.
How do we set up video or phone conferences for people ready to do BRs?
Let me know if anyone is interested and doing a group BR.
@PandaRamen you can try using skype or discord, message the others on 7sage who have commented that they would not mind starting these calls earlier.
Hey so sorry for the late reply! Yes there are a lot of PTs which is great but we definitely won't be able to go through them all. I was originally going to do PT60 as my after CC but I went ahead and did PT61 in case we wanted to do PT60. I see that there is a lot of interest which is awesome and I also saw we're going to be doing odd numbers. If we start the first week of June that will give us 13 PTs. 14 if you count the week of the test but I don't know if we will be doing one that week. The June BR Group started at 38 and are doing even all the way until 80 and then their last one is 83. If we're doing odd numbers maybe we can start on 39 and do increments of 4 (39, 43, 47, 51, 55, 59, 63, 67, 71, 75, 79) and then do 83 and 84. Just an idea. If you need any help let me know
@alyhobbs sweet you saved me the work of planning! I definetly wouldn't mind any help you or anyone else has to offer. I don't think we'd do a BR call on the week of the test. If we do, I think it would just be us psyching each other up hahaha. Anything that close to that test can be psychologically damaging I think.
@alyhobbs @keets993 Great idea!! I agree that we shouldn't do a PT a week before the test. Thank you for planning this out!
Currently foolproofing, finished CC about 3 weeks ago. Aiming to begin PTing by late May/early June as well (for September). Interested in being added to BR SG as well. Thanks for creating! @keets993
I am interested in joining! I am taking the test in September and planning to start PTs in June. Finishing up the CC now. Thanks for starting this up!
Is there's a cap limit on the number of people who can join? If not, I'm very interested in being a part of this group!! I began studying last year with a different prep course (was not that helpful. took a little break before starting 7sage this month) and now am excited to start PTing again with all the new knowledge I gained from the CC. But first, fool-proofing. Let me know if I can be of any help! Onward!
Add me to the September list, please! Really looking forward to this.
Count me in! Please add me to the list, and THANK YOU!
What does BR mean? I am definitely thinking about doing the September LSAT for the third try as my first and second try (June 2017 and February 2018) did not go as smoothly as I hoped. I would like to be added on to the list for September!
BR means Blind Review. I recommend watching this lesson on BR:
You can see this page with your free account!
Make sure to take advantage of our free resources available at 7Sage!
Free lessons:
Every logic game, ever, explained in video lessons:
Video explanations for every questions in the June 2007 Prep Test:
All about however you plan the schedule but highly recommend having a Pep Rally the last week before the test. Yes, PTs that week can be more harmful than helpful but always up to the individual to determine their vulnerability to not do anything that would jeopardize their confidence. Some people take a PT that week and not score it, some take sections and not score and some just take their favorite PT (if such exists, lol) to boost their confidence - for me I do a couple of older repeat sections and some of my favorite drills with an emphasis on LG.
Hopefully before the last week if you want to take a fresh scored PT then you will have built relationships to pursue a side BR call that week but wouldn't recommend having an SG new PT scheduled for that week
Look forward to meeting you all on JYs RC calls!
(edited to add)
@wrasschaert & @PandaRamen
So great you want to start BRing PTs now in your prep!
In the past, many of us have reached out to each other either thru DM or in the posts to start a side call using other platforms, i.e. Skype, Discord etc. to start PTing before an official SG group started.
One of the greatest opportunities from my personal experience is to be on an interactive call with JY and hope everyone can join his RC intensive -
Given JY offering this unique and special opportunity, I can only hope everyone will take advantage of the experience as long as they follow JYs caveat -
If I can help in any way, please let me know:)
That sounds great, I'll definitely take advantage of these review sessions. Thanks for letting me know.
Everyone's names have been added to a list and you will be tagged. Along with anyone else that posts afterwards.
I also second @twssmith's recommendation that we wait until after JY - our founding father - is done conducting his RC seminars to officially begin our group. Those of us who can should join as it will be a great learning experience.
I also want to stress before the group officially begins that no one should feel pressured to stress or rush their schedule to be PT-ing to be in sync with the group. I'm confident most of us will probably miss at least one of these calls and that's perfectly fine. Combating burnout and safeguarding our mental health is important to performing well on this test.
For those of you who are already PT-ing and are interested in doing your own BR calls, I reccommend reaching out to others who have commented on this post with similar interests, and using a platform such as skype, discord, etc.
Add me to the list please!
please add me to the list.
@keets993, We may want to add a burnout discussion to this somehow. It's so important.
I want to be added too!
. Also, I really like that idea about starting after the RC sessions with JY.
I'm hoping I'll be done with LR drills by June and start PTing, but add me to the list for sure. Thanks!
Please add! Thx!
Does anyone know when the September registration opens up?
@LSATSurvivor, I'm right there with you at about the same stage. Here's to getting through the CC and related exercises in May!
Please add me too! Thanks!
Add me also please! I'll keep an eye out for the schedule and will see some of you on JY's RC calls.
Please add me! Not really sure how many I’ll be able to join, but def want to at least give one or two a try.
Thanks a
Thank you