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7sage and LSAT Trainer

msirchiamsirchia Member
in General 50 karma

Has anyone done the core curriculum with 7sage among side a study schedule through LSAT trainer?

Or is it counterproductive?

Been using the powerscore bibles and it feels to stiff to me and I’m not retaining a lot. However 7sage is working better with LR.

If anyone has done both 7sage and LSAT trainer any advice would be much appreciated.


  • Beast ModeBeast Mode Live Member
    852 karma

    Hi @msirchia!

    I used the bibles as well as the trainer. However, I found them to be less practical and decided to utilize 7 Sage, it's the best decision I have made. I would say that 7Sage gave me an in depth analysis of what the LSAT entailed and how to best approach each question type with a deep understanding of how the question types are constructed. I found that I was able to polish the fundamentals that the bibles as well as the trainer lacked. My advice is to use 7 Sage Core Curriculum and make sure to take your time to focus on the fundamentals then once you feel comfortable incorporate timed practice with blind review then begin taking prep tests once you feel that you are where you need to be. Of course you can use the bibles as well as the trainer for additional timed practice or for drilling specific types of questions. But, I think if you prioritize 7 Sage first, you will be able to grasp the fundamentals faster because JY breaks it down so much that you build intuitive ways to approach the questions. You can always re-watch the videos to make sure that your understanding is solid. Take your time to go through the CC, review as much as you need and be kind to your-self. Be patient, I know it's tough not to get disappointed when you don't see progress but it will pay off in the end.

    Good luck!! :smile:

  • msirchiamsirchia Member
    50 karma

    Thank you for this.

    Yes I agree I feel as if it is a bit overwhelming tight now the amount of CC per week and admittedly LR is my weakest section.

    In your opinion should
    I go back once I’m done with the CC and rewatch the LR sections again for review before I dive into the PT?

  • JPJ July2021JPJ July2021 Core Member
    1532 karma

    7sage is so much better than the Trainer. I wouldn't use the Trainer at all.

  • AngusMcGillisAngusMcGillis Member
    403 karma

    I did 7 sage CC, then LSAT Trainer. I felt like the trainer really helped me in RC and LR

  • TexAgAaronTexAgAaron Alum Member
    1723 karma

    I started with 7sage and have used it for a while. I picked up the Trainer as a supplement and it has helped me a lot with LR and RC just from the fact that it was a different voice. It actually made JY's video make a lot more sense too in LR. I think they work pretty well together and don't contradict too much.

    There are differences in time management strategy so that is something you'll have to decide on. If you are just starting the CC, then don't pick it up yet. If you are finished with it and want something more then maybe you give it a go. But don't pick it up when you are fresh on the CC; too much info at once.

    Hope this helps!

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    5320 karma

    They are a nice compliment to each other unlike the Bibles which don't seem to compliment either 7Sage or the Trainer well. I do suggest completing the CC and training with the 7Sage style a good bit before supplementing with the Trainer though.

  • btate87btate87 Alum Member
    788 karma

    I did the Bibles, then 7Sage, then picked up the Trainer after seeing lots of good reviews in these forums. Like others have said, it's a solid compliment to the CC - at least in LR and RC. I did the whole book, but I can't say it did much for my LG. If I could do it again, I would consider doing the 7Sage RC lessons after going through the Trainer. I think the Trainer would enhance JY's lessons more than vice versa on that section.

  • ExcludedMiddleExcludedMiddle Alum Member
    edited May 2018 737 karma

    I went through the Trainer and the LG Bible and I will say that I've liked 7Sage more than either of them. Whether that's the result of genuine superiority or just a learning-style preference I can't say with complete confidence. But I have liked 7Sage more, and I definitely wouldn't recommend that anyone takes a bunch of time to read the Trainer. If anything read the bolded stuff and take a few useful tips here and there out of it, but don't get bogged down in it. I think the Trainer gets a little repetitive. And if you get it, get yourself a used copy since you have Ultimate+ already, msirchia, if anything. I really don't think there's much in there that isn't congruous with advice given in 7Sage's CC, though, and I think the CC is perhaps a bit better about making sure people strengthen their fundamental knowledge. You might really be better served by just doing some PTs or foolproofing/drilling, or even going back through CC lessons.

  • Giselle112Giselle112 Alum Member
    151 karma

    I use the Trainer now that I am doing practice tests. I think it's a good addition once you complete the cc on 7sage. Some of the concepts are explained differently in the Trainer. I found conditional logic easier to understand and flaws easier to identify when I used the Trainer. Good luck with your studying!

  • msirchiamsirchia Member
    50 karma

    Thank you everyone for your comments!

    Because there are so many PTs is it ok to take more than a week to do each section in the study schedule? I feel as if I'm doing myself a disservice if I don't finish in time.

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