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Logic Games

RunawayJuryRunawayJury Alum Member
in Logic Games 143 karma

Hi everyone, so I started doing the Logic Games of the CC around 2-3 days ago. I'm finding that I'm getting the questions right (perfect on almost every quiz so far) so my problem isn't that I am struggling to understand the games, it's the time. JY always tells us the target time and I'm consistently way over it...any suggestions on what this means and what I can do? I try repeating the same games and sometimes I can hit the target but other times not



  • OhnoeshalpmeOhnoeshalpme Alum Member
    edited June 2018 2531 karma

    You should follow the fool-proof method as it is explained in the CC. This means - doing the game, watching the explanation, doing it again, checking to see if you are under time, if yes, set aside (for now) if not, repeat this process. Once you finish a game within the time limit, put it in a pile for tomorrow. On the following day, see if you can once again finish under time. If you finish under time on the second day, place this game in a new pile to be completed in one week's time. If you do not finish under time, it's back to square one for that game. When a week rolls around, do the game a final time, if you manage to complete it under time then you're done with that game.

    In terms of timing... this is a problem that almost everyone struggles with at first. I promise that if you fool-proof all of the games from PT's 1-35, you will drastically improve your times.

  • RunawayJuryRunawayJury Alum Member
    143 karma

    Thank you for your advice

  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    2689 karma

    Repetition. There has been at least once where I have seen a game where the setup was similar to one I had been doing over and over, so I whizzed through that hypothetical question, because I knew the pattern the pieces had to follow.
    I could certainly use a lot more of this, and plan to do more later. Unless the paper test gods smile upon me in June.

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