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gators191919gators191919 Free Trial Member
edited June 2018 in June 2018 LSAT 7 karma



  • LivingThatLSATdreamLivingThatLSATdream Alum Member
    500 karma

    Raw scores are converted to an LSAT scale through a statistical procedure known as equating, a method that adjusts for minor differences in difficulty between test forms.

    Your percentile rank reflects the percentage of candidates whose scores were lower than yours during the previous three testing years.


    It is very common for people to have to take a test at a different time than scheduled, due to accommodations, sabbath observer, weather, etc. I don't think you'll receive the same test as the other June takers, although I've heard it has happened before. Likely, you'll receive an undisclosed test that's been previously administered. Don't worry about it, it's nothing to stress about. Good luck on Saturday!

  • gators191919gators191919 Free Trial Member
    7 karma

    @LivingThatLSATdream thanks for your reply. I've heard from people I know taking the June test that it is 100 questions though? Most of the PT's I have taken are 101. I feel like grading my score based on the -X scale that it could be misconstrued because of it? In other words, let's say I got 101/101 right, how is that equal to the people who got 100/100 right on Monday? Idk. Just thinking out loud

  • gators191919gators191919 Free Trial Member
    7 karma

    Thanks guys! Sorry just slightly freaking out

  • LivingThatLSATdreamLivingThatLSATdream Alum Member
    500 karma

    LSAC takes into account question number differences... 99-102 i believe. Thats why they have a score conversation that is unique to each test. On some tests, its impossible to receive a certain score because of percentiles. They have it all figured out to make it "fair" for every test taker. We don't have too much of a choice but to accept this as fact and continue on with the test. Check out this site... https://www.powerscore.com/lsat/help/correct_targeted.cfm you can see how you can miss more or less questions on tests depending on how hard/easy it was deemed by LSAC relative to the previous 3 years of tests administered.

  • adamwpoeadamwpoe Member
    edited June 2018 5 karma


  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma
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