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Logic Games Advice

LsadLSATLsadLSAT Member
in Logic Games 26 karma

I'm gonna be completely honest, I just started LG after a month of LR and I keep bombing each problem set. I may get them right but take double the time i should ideally be taking. Any advice? Did anyone else start rough too? I'm just getting a little worried because I've booked my test already, little discouraged and just wanna see how I can tackle this better. All the best to you all!!


  • jkjohnson1991jkjohnson1991 Alum Member
    766 karma

    You have Ultimate + so if you have not done the bundle yet then I suggest doing it. It truly does work.

    BUT, you can’t take any short cuts with it. The more strict you are with yourself in the beginning, the better off you will be and the faster you will become better at them. For example, if you make a small mistake that was careless don’t say “Oh that’s just a small mistake, it won’t happen next time” and go on to the next game. No, you must start the process for that game over. That’s how you drill these steps and inferences into your head best. I’m about halfway finished with it and I’ve already seen an improvement.

  • JPJ July2021JPJ July2021 Core Member
    1532 karma

    I’ve only been foolproofing for a few days and I’ve already seen improvement. Save the problem sets for when you’ve done some foolproofing.

  • eRetakereRetaker Free Trial Member
    2043 karma

    Agree with @Emily2122 , fool-proof until your pencil breaks and you'll see some very nice gainz.

  • sx23sx23 Alum Member
    409 karma

    Yes fool-proof the hell out of every game. One thing to note: I would recommend not eliminating answer choices for could be true/false questions. Start from the most likely answer choice and stop after you hit the right one. At least for me I always have the temptation to eliminate all others. It’s fine for earlier games but for later games (70+) when you have to do more brute-forcing you can’t get away with getting too hung up on those questions and it’s better if start practicing this earlier. And that’s probably why I still got -1 on the June LG.

  • samantha.ashley92samantha.ashley92 Alum Member
    1777 karma

    The first time I do a problem, I typically take 15-25 min to it and get about 3 questions right. By the third time I've done it, I can usually get it in the the suggested 5-12 min and get all of the questions right (maybe one wrong). I just finished the LG CC and have a pile of questions I saved to redo after finishing the CC. These questions are ones that I've done 4-5 times already, and I need to either to cut the time down or feel more comfortable doing them.

    How I improve each time:
    1) Watch the video explanation right after I do the game.

    2) Keep redoing the game, even though it's annoying. I have spent two hours on a game before. The question types build on each other, and you HAVE TO know the foundational problem types to move into the more complex version (like sequencing to double-layered sequencing to misc).

    3) Rewatch the parts of the video that correspond with the questions you got wrong on your second take, along with the game board setup-- unless you're 100% confident in your setup skills for that game. (Repeat this each time you redo the problem.)

    4) Don't move on to the second question in the problem set without finishing the first one. This is because what I learn from doing the first problem often helps me solve the second problem.

    5) Take breaks in your studying time. Don't burn out/melt your brain. I have literally "seen" sequencing game lines and capital letters floating around when I closed my eyes at night... more than once. Lesson learned.

    6) When you feel moderately confident in your LG skills/timing, move to the bundle. I put the answers into the LSAT Test Analytics and print a screenshot of the scored section. That way, I won't forget my strengths and weaknesses as I continue to study. Today, I spent 12 min on a problem that was apparently an "easy" problem, didn't finish it, and didn't even get all of the answers I chose correct. However, I spent <5 min on another "easy" problem and got them all right. That gave me a lot of information about the type of problems I suck at.

    I know this is a lot of information, but maybe something will help! Good luck!

  • PadawanPadawan Member
    91 karma

    I am in same boat as Jessica! I procrastinated, too, on LG and I don't know how to fix either. I read the wonderful advice above, and am now making the hard but sensible decision to postpone my upcoming July LSAT. Jessica, please look at the 'postpone' comments as well. Very eye-opening and soul searching regarding pride by Nicole! Thanks fellow 7 Sage students, and to Sages for sharing your strategies to help me bite the bullet! This test is too important to me to bomb!

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