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Seriously, just brag about your progress-- big or small. Don't humblebrag; own it. Talk to me about your score increases, timing improvements, confidence boosts, etc. (Feel free to add in any tips!)
I went from a 141 diagnostic to a 154 my first practice test after finishing the core curriculum over the span of three months. I'm also fool proofing LG and I feel like I own so many games. I'm also done with my personal statement. I feel more confident about the test in general. Aiming for that sweet 170 in November.
Emily is actually me LOL. Well, almost! 145 diagnostic to 153 first PT post CC with 158 BR from May 1st till now. Finished my PS for some scholarships which I will also use for law school apps. Realizing that timing is fine, just need to work on accuracy. Aiming for 165+ in September and if needed, retaking in November. Also feeling great going into my senior year of undergrad and feeling like I have my life together
@Emily2122 congrats! That's a great score jump, and you have plenty of time to become one of the 7Sage legends who jumps over 20 points.
@AshleighK you also have a great score increase! With that 158 BR now, I'm sure you'll have a 158 timed score soon! Which scholarships have you been looking into? Also, I have no idea how you're balancing your senior year with LSAT prep. I know plenty of people do it, but I feel like my brain would just melt.
And for both of you, would you be willing to share what you wrote your personal statements about? I'm trying to figure out if my idea is "too personal" or if it's totally fine.
@"samantha.ashley92" I messaged you.
It's completely unrelated to my overall score progression, but I'm really pleased that I've been able to respond to poor test scores in stride. Throughout university, I was a total "keener," and I had an immensely small reserve of grace for myself when I performed less than I wanted. When my first assignment with a score below 90% would come back each term, I would give myself a little self-talk saying, "Alright, that's you one; don't let it happen again."
In doing preparing for the LSAT, I've become far better at calmly accepting poor performances and seeing them as opportunities to improve. I suspect this will serve me better in life, overall, than doing well at the LSAT. [I say that as I return to drilling RC.
@"paulmv.benthem" I'm glad you're recognizing this as a win! As a perfectionist, I can totally relate. I used to refer to myself as a "recovering perfectionist", but I'm not really sure that I'm getting any better with it lol. I also think you're right in that it will serve you well on the LSAT, and it'll probably help you with the rest of your life!
Went from a 153 on my first LSAT (I just randomly wrote PT 19, I think) to plateauing in the high 160s/low 170s near the end of last year. I started the CC in January and finished in March. My most recent PT scores are a 178 on PT62 and a 174 on PT63.
After a year of studying, finally breaking into the mid-to-high 170s is very rewarding.
151 diagnostic. spent 2 months living/breathing 7sage in october and november where i did the CC/BR in the evenings when i didn't have any "sprinting" energy left from doing PTs in the morning. 5 PTs a week. took the december 2nd LSAT and hit 164 but i was all fried out (4/5 of my last PTs leading up to the test were 170+). only took 2 PT's between the december 2nd and the february 10th test administrations and ended up with a 172 on the feb test.
my biggest takeaway: treat the studying like you would if you were training for an iron man competition. you can go as hard as you want but you have to remember that the day of the performance is gonna bring new challenges and stresses. even if you could hit 170+ taking many PTs each week you have to know that it won't be the same on the actual test day when your cortisol levels rise. don't be overly neurotic like me... you WON'T forget it all in a week haha just like it wouldn't make sense to max out all of your lifts/cardio before the iron man, don't bust your butt the week of your test!
also, you don't lose as much as you think after taking a break... what are those lyrics again? im not as good as i once was, but im as good once as i ever was!
Just got a 170 on my most recent PT! I have had a few in the high 160s but it felt great to finally squeak into the 170s.
@"m.c lshopeful" Holy success story, Iron Man! Can we pretend that works? Haha
@"thor.plsn" That's amazing. Seriously. Wtf. How. But congrats! And @LivingThatLSATdream I would cry if I broke 170! Great job.
I’m plateaued af at 165. it’s an improvement from a 159 on the lsat last year so its something.
This is all motivating me to study harder - thank you all!
I have just started studying for the LSAT's and would appreciate any advice that anyone has on what helped them really break through?! Please and thank you!
I have mostly stopped whispering "what the fuck" to myself in my head during RC passages so that's a big win for me! Hoping after the next couple of weeks it'll all be "I GOT THIS" during the July LSAT
Thank you! I’m aiming for a 165+ range so slowly but surely! I really want to go out to Cali. I’m looking at UCLA, USC, and UCI. How about you? Also i’ll Send you what I wrote about through message!
I keep getting emails from mostly smaller schools from around the country with fee waivers (with a few big schools thrown in the mix). One offered a 6 figure scholarship right out the gate. I haven't even applied anywhere yet (November retake). So, even though my June test was horribly disappointing, getting all these emails and things in the mail has been a serious boost for my morale
I can see that if I do better in November, the schools I do want will be sending me stuff like this. Yay for having a stellar GPA.
Started it out with a diagnostic of 135...heading to HLS this fall. Took three years but never give up!
@JustDoIt omg. So if you don't mind me asking, how much did you increase your score by?
@"samantha.ashley92" 30 points plus or minus a few!
I've been studying for a little over a year. I started out with a 141 diagnostic and I've improved to a 154 in my most recent pt with a 163 BR. Most times it gets frustrating seeing little progress but I'm learning to accept my failures as teachable moments.
Just scored my all time best on LG section after weeks of nonstop foolproofing. I was missing at least half the questions before, and I got down to -4. Aiming big for a 170+ in September!
Well I’m an undergrad in the business school at George Washington University; the law students are considered big shots around here and honestly the law school here looks really dope- I’ve been inside Yale Law School as well since I spent a few months there taking summer classes as an undergrad...nothing beats Yale though. I recently scored a 315 on the GRE and plan to pursue a JD/MBA at either GW or Georgetown.
Started with a 142 and just got a 163. It can be done
I had a 163 diagnostic and managed to study 15-20hrs a week for four months despite working full time, having very limited internet access, and planning a national conference for youth. My PTs lead up to the exam were around the 173 mark (plus or minus one point).
My score comes back tomorrow (international exam woes). I really, really hope I did well. I worked harder on this than seemed possible, given that I literally live in a jungle in a very rural part of a new-to-me country.
Whatever happens with my actual score, I'm really proud of myself.
Congrats!!! How long did it take for you?
I HAVE ONE! Any of you who have finished the LG section of the CC probably remember that awful game about the male/female lizards and snakes. The first time I read the question, I literally laughed out loud because I knew I was screwed. Yesterday, I redid the problem and actually got it right-- with extra time remaining!
Wow @JustDoIt. That's phenomenal. You've just encouraged me to shoot for the school I really want--UCLA. This community is awesome. I don't think I've thanked 7Sage today, yet. Thanks &Sage!
@JDbound19 thanks so much! Glad to help in any way I can.
I started with a 145 diagnostic and after 3 months of studying my average PT score is 162.
I have fool proofed all games from PT 1-35, except for the weird ones which I am going to start soon, and I believe that was the reason I went form -15 on LG to -3 on average. I wish I had came across this method earlier, but it is AMAZING. I tell everyone who's struggling with LG about it.
My LR has gone from -9 to -4 average. I am an ESL student so I am finding that the reason behind those 4 incorrect ones are usually reading speed. But I think most of my improvement is because now I predict the answer for at least 50% of questions before going through answer choices.
RC is my weakest now
although I went from -14 to -8 I can't seem to improve it further.
Aiming for a 168
I just like that number.