I have been studying for three months now, and I have seen a 19 point increase insofar (147-166); however I scored a 157 on a PT today, with a BR of 167. A lot of my mistakes were due to misreading, rushing and not paying attention to great detail. My RC is consistently -8 or -9. My PT scores are listed below.
PT 36: 166
PT 37: 165
June 2007: 162
PT 38: 157 (BR- 167)
Any advice? Do any of you seem to make careless mistakes on PTs? Have I plateaued? Would it be a bad idea to take another PT tonight, or is two in one day overkill?
Always adopt an attitude of no excuses. Were you careless? Well, how can you allow yourself to be careless when you're aiming for a top mark? Were you too tired because you finished up section 5 at midnight? Well, why'd you start it so late then? Did you stumble on conditional logic in this question? Then why don't you know it better? It's a tough thing to do, and your ego will take a bit of a bruising, but ultimately this sort of no-nonsense approach (buffered with the occasional relaxation day) will ultimately prove beneficial.
Otherwise, jdawg and Nilesh have it spot on. Quality trumps quantity every time. Generally great advice from those two, so be sure to listen to them.
And yes, @"Nilesh S", I remember that. I used that opportunity to give you the "you're not good enough then" chat, which appears to have worked out for you